The source code is used for the paper:
Den Ottelander T., Dushatskiy A., Virgolin M., and Bosman P. A. N.: Local Search is a Remarkably Strong Baseline for Neural Architecture Search. arXiv:2004.08996 (2020)
- Framework for searching on macro-level NAS search spaces:
- cached NAS benchmark datasets on CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100
- real-time NAS with an enlarged search space on CIFAR-100
- 4 multi-objective search algorithms: MO-GOMEA, NSGA-II, LS and RS
- IMS framework for any population-based search algorithm
- 4 single-objective search algorithms: SimpleGA, GOMEA, LS and RS
- 2 single-objective toy problems: LeadingOnes, OneMax
- 3 multi-objective toy problems: ZeroMaxOneMax, TrapInverseTrap, LeadingOnesTrailingZeroes
- Various different cross-over operators for GAs
- Various (fixed) linkage models for (MO-)GOMEA
- json by nlohmann:
git clone
- Download benchmark datasets from and place
(422MB each) inside the folderbenchmarks
- To be able to run largescale experiments,1 run
pip3 install --user -r NAS_largescale/requirements.txt
- Make the project
- Execute to run experiments by specifying the path to the executable obtained in the previous step:
bash [path_to_executable]
bash [path_to_executable]
bash [path_to_executable]
(modify contents in the file to run other algorithms besides MO-GOMEA)
- (To see what other options for experiments are available, execute
[path_to_executable] -?
1 Note that when reproducing results on the large-scale search space, this requires integration of the C++ project with python3. Also, training and evaluating networks requires CUDA. Both parts might require specific solutions for your own machine, so detailed instructions for this are not included.