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Path.CCW: check curvature to distinguish curved segments at right-mos…
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…t endpoint with the same direction, see #324
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tdewolff committed Dec 2, 2024
1 parent b344a45 commit 95f003d
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Showing 2 changed files with 31 additions and 15 deletions.
39 changes: 24 additions & 15 deletions path.go
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Expand Up @@ -650,7 +650,6 @@ func (p *Path) direction(i int, t float64) Point {
return end.Sub(start).Norm(1.0)
case QuadToCmd:
cp := Point{p.d[i-5], p.d[i-4]}
fmt.Println(quadraticBezierCurvatureRadius(start, cp, end, t))
return quadraticBezierDeriv(start, cp, end, t).Norm(1.0)
case CubeToCmd:
cp1 := Point{p.d[i-7], p.d[i-6]}
Expand All @@ -661,7 +660,6 @@ func (p *Path) direction(i int, t float64) Point {
large, sweep := toArcFlags(p.d[i-4])
_, _, theta0, theta1 := ellipseToCenter(start.X, start.Y, rx, ry, phi, large, sweep, end.X, end.Y)
theta := theta0 + t*(theta1-theta0)
fmt.Println(ellipseCurvatureRadius(rx, ry, sweep, theta))
return ellipseDeriv(rx, ry, phi, sweep, theta).Norm(1.0)
return Point{}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -727,7 +725,7 @@ func (p *Path) CoordDirections() []Point {
return dirs

// curvature returns the curvature radius of the path at the given index into Path.d and t in [0.0,1.0]. Path must not contain subpaths, and will return the path's starting curvature when i points to a MoveToCmd, or the path's final curvature when i points to a CloseCmd of zero-length.
// curvature returns the curvature of the path at the given index into Path.d and t in [0.0,1.0]. Path must not contain subpaths, and will return the path's starting curvature when i points to a MoveToCmd, or the path's final curvature when i points to a CloseCmd of zero-length.
func (p *Path) curvature(i int, t float64) float64 {
last := len(p.d)
if p.d[last-1] == CloseCmd && (Point{p.d[last-cmdLen(CloseCmd)-3], p.d[last-cmdLen(CloseCmd)-2]}).Equals(Point{p.d[last-3], p.d[last-2]}) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -760,25 +758,25 @@ func (p *Path) curvature(i int, t float64) float64 {
end := Point{p.d[i-3], p.d[i-2]}
switch cmd {
case LineToCmd, CloseCmd:
return math.Inf(1.0)
return 0.0
case QuadToCmd:
cp := Point{p.d[i-5], p.d[i-4]}
return quadraticBezierCurvatureRadius(start, cp, end, t)
return 1.0 / quadraticBezierCurvatureRadius(start, cp, end, t)
case CubeToCmd:
cp1 := Point{p.d[i-7], p.d[i-6]}
cp2 := Point{p.d[i-5], p.d[i-4]}
return cubicBezierCurvatureRadius(start, cp1, cp2, end, t)
return 1.0 / cubicBezierCurvatureRadius(start, cp1, cp2, end, t)
case ArcToCmd:
rx, ry, phi := p.d[i-7], p.d[i-6], p.d[i-5]
large, sweep := toArcFlags(p.d[i-4])
_, _, theta0, theta1 := ellipseToCenter(start.X, start.Y, rx, ry, phi, large, sweep, end.X, end.Y)
theta := theta0 + t*(theta1-theta0)
return ellipseCurvatureRadius(rx, ry, sweep, theta)
return 1.0 / ellipseCurvatureRadius(rx, ry, sweep, theta)
return 0.0

// Curvature returns the curvature radius of the path at the given segment and t in [0.0,1.0] along that path. It is infinite for a straight line and zero for non-existing segments.
// Curvature returns the curvature of the path at the given segment and t in [0.0,1.0] along that path. It is zero for straight lines and for non-existing segments.
func (p *Path) Curvature(seg int, t float64) float64 {
if len(p.d) <= 4 {
return 0.0
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -837,11 +835,6 @@ func windings(zs []Intersection) (int, bool) {
n += d
} else {
if i+1 == len(zs) {
for i, z := range zs {
fmt.Println(i, z)
same := z.Same || zs[i+1].Same
if !same {
if z.Into() == zs[i+1].Into() {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -905,7 +898,8 @@ func (p *Path) Contains(x, y float64, fillRule FillRule) bool {
// CCW returns true when the path is counter clockwise oriented at its bottom-right-most
// coordinate. It is most useful when knowing that the path does not self-intersect as it will
// tell you if the entire path is CCW or not. It will only return the result for the first subpath.
// It will return true for an empty path or a straight line.
// It will return true for an empty path or a straight line. It may not return a valid value when
// the right-most point happens to be a (self-)overlapping segment.
func (p *Path) CCW() bool {
if len(p.d) <= 4 || (p.d[4] == LineToCmd || p.d[4] == CloseCmd) && len(p.d) <= 4+cmdLen(p.d[4]) {
// empty path or single straight segment
Expand All @@ -932,7 +926,6 @@ func (p *Path) CCW() bool {

// TODO: keep going forward/backwards for k and kPrev until both are not equally oriented
// get coordinates of previous and next segments
var kPrev int
if k == 4 {
Expand All @@ -949,6 +942,22 @@ func (p *Path) CCW() bool {
} else {
angleNext = p.direction(k, 0.0).Angle()
if Equal(anglePrev, angleNext) {
// segments have the same direction at their right-most point
// one or both are not straight lines, check if curvature is different
var curvNext float64
curvPrev := -p.curvature(kPrev, 1.0)
if k == kMax {
// use implicit close command
curvNext = 0.0
} else {
curvNext = p.curvature(k, 0.0)
if !Equal(curvPrev, curvNext) {
// ccw if curvNext is smaller than curvPrev
return curvNext < curvPrev
return (angleNext - anglePrev) < 0.0

Expand Down
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions path_test.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -275,6 +275,13 @@ func TestPathCCW(t *testing.T) {
{"A1 1 0 0 1 2 0", true},
{"A1 1 0 0 0 2 0", false},

// parallel on right-most endpoint
//{"L10 0L5 0L2.5 5z", true}, // TODO: overlapping segments?
{"L0 5L5 5A5 5 0 0 1 0 0z", false},
{"Q0 5 5 5A5 5 0 0 1 0 0z", false},
{"M0 10L0 5L5 5A5 5 0 0 0 0 10z", true},
{"M0 10Q0 5 5 5A5 5 0 0 0 0 10z", true},

// bugs
{"M0.31191406250000003 0.9650390625L0.3083984375 0.9724609375L0.3013671875 0.9724609375L0.29824218750000003 0.9646484375z", true},
Expand Down

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