Debugging gRPC clients with swagger-ui on Spring Boot 3.
Swagger for gRPC Clients.
Note: This project developed with springdoc-openapi v2.0.0 because This project Just supported on Spring Boot v3.0.0 ( and above). I am also using this library net.devh:grpc-spring-boot-starter:2.14.0.RELEASE (thank you for that).
I am using on my open-source microservice project. You can see how to work.
Just do this 3 step:
<name>GitHub Apache Maven Packages</name>
Note: This dependency not working for public. I will serve with maven central repo as soon as possible. (Sorry for that.)
Just Add the annotation on Spring Boot Application annotation. (Example of 2 Service configuration).
There are 2 type of usage:
- createGrpcController => When exception occurred then throw exception.
- createGrpcControllerSafely => When exception occurred then create default class for not throw exception.
public class GrpcSwaggerConfig {
public GrpcRepositoryCreator grpcRepositoryCreator() {
return new GrpcRepositoryCreator(); // use same creator because when same parameter classes usage will not create more than one.
public Object createControllerVote(GrpcRepositoryCreator grpcRepositoryCreator) {
return grpcRepositoryCreator.createGrpcController(VotePersistServiceGrpc.VotePersistServiceBlockingStub.class, //Grpc Stub Class
"persist-grpc-server", //grpc server config name
"vote"); // prefix for same method name usage
public Object createControllerAnnounce(GrpcRepositoryCreator grpcRepositoryCreator) {
return grpcRepositoryCreator.createGrpcControllerSafely(AnnouncePersistServiceGrpc.AnnouncePersistServiceBlockingStub.class, //Grpc Stub Class
"persist-grpc-server", //grpc server config name
"announce"); // prefix for same method name usage
Sample Application Yaml File:
persist-grpc-server: # the grpc server config name
address: 'static://'
enableKeepAlive: true
keepAliveWithoutCalls: true
negotiationType: plaintext
Standart swagger dependency for Spring Boot 3.
I used Byte-Buddy tool for creating RestController with POST endpoints for every gRPC service methods.
- First I am converting to all method returns and method parameters objects (proto object what have builders) to POJOs.
- Second I am converting all services method in the single Rest Controller class with the POJOs. (With method interceptor.)
- Third intercetor does this 4 step when request came =>
1- convert param POJO => Proto Object
2- invoke Proto Client With Proto Object (Returning Proto Object)
3- convert Returned Proto Object to Return POJO object
4- return The POJO object to the endpoint result
Note: This conversion is using json serialization.