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RDF ABAC - Attribute-Based Access Control for RDF

RDF ABAC provides access control on data. Each data item has an associated attribute expression and a data item is only visible to the application if the attribute expression evaluates to "true". The attributes are evaluated in the context of a data access request (query); the user has a number of attributes which represent the permissions.

For example: a user making a query request has key-value attributes "role=engineer" and "status=employee". Data visible to the query request includes triples labelled "role=engineer" or "status=employee".

RDF ABAC consists of a ABAC security engine, an extension module for Apache Jena Fuseki, and a security evaluation service to provide security verification to non-JVM components of the system.

Documentation: docs/abac



   mvn clean install

which creates the rdf-abac-fmod module for Fuseki.

For test coverage report run

   mvn clean verify

Coverage report is then available in the target/site/jacoco-aggregate folder of the rdf-abac-coverage-report submodule.


To use the library directly in your project:


Use with Apache Jena Fuseki

This project uses the Apache Jena Fuseki Main server and is configured with a Fuseki configuration file.

See documentation for details on how to run the library within a local Fuseki Server.

See "Configuring Fuseki" for authentication.



On branch main:

Edit and commit release-setup to set the correct versions.

source release-setup

This prints the dry-run command.

If you have run this file, then change it, simply source the file again.

Dry run

mvn $MVN_ARGS -DdryRun=true release:clean release:prepare

and for real

mvn $MVN_ARGS release:clean release:prepare

This updates the version number.

Note that there is no need to do a mvn release:perform as the GitHub Actions workflows automatically handles making the release to Maven Central.

After release, do git pull to sync local and remote git repositories.

Github Release

After the maven actions above, GitHub will automatically recognise the release (with the actions defined [here] ( and create the corresponding entry within the "[Releases] (" section of the repo. The release change notes are based upon the content present in the file.


If things go wrong, and it is just in the release steps:

mvn $MVN_ARGS release:rollback

otherwise, checkout out from git or reset the version manually with:

mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=...-SNAPSHOT


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