Simple client-side library exported as a JavaScript package, for working with ontologies.
This is a monorepo, which contains sub-packages:
This monorepo's sub-packages are published to
yarn install @telicent-oss/ontologyservice
A simple example:
import OntologyService from "@telicent-oss/ontologyservice";
const ontologyService = new OntologyService(
const diagrams = await ontologyService.getAllDiagrams();
For more info, see API section.
See local development notes
Requires nx.
yarn install
# yarn cache can cause packages/* to be unreachable
# Solution: `yarn cache clean`
Some useful nx
# For all impacted packages
npx nx affected:build # build
npx nx affected:test # test
npx nx affected:generate-docs # gen docs
# For individual packages
cd rdfservice && npx nx build # Build
cd ontologyservice && npx nx test # Test
cd catalogservice && npx nx lint # Lint
To dev workflow multiple package:
cd ./packages/RdfService; # In producer package...
echo "console.log('hi');" >> ./src/index.ts; # ...edit producer feature
cd - && cd ./packages/OntologyService; # In consumer package...
echo "test('hi', () => expect(logSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('hi'));" \
>> ./src/index.test.ts; # ...edit consumer test
npx nx affected:build # Build affected
npx nx affected:test # Test affected
Build all packages simultaneously:
npx nx run-many -t build
Developer notes:
import x from '.'
can cause problems. Instead useimport x from './index'
- If changing code then all commands must be run via nx else it will use the old code in
- nx commands can be run from any sub-directory and will resolve as if run on monorepo root
- More nx documentation at:
- packages cluster by domain when sorted alphabetically
- package contents are obvious from name
Package names use kebab-case with 2 sections:
- List of non-technical domains/sub-domains, ordered by broadest first
- Human readable phrase that describes what the package provides
Note: for now we assume all code is designed to be run on clients (or client and server) and so make to distinction in naming. That may need to change in the future.
Examples of descriptive phrases:
: wrapper for server serviceslib
: general codereact-lib
: react code
For instance:
a library of react components/hooks for rendering ontology icons is: