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Guide Step 3 Templates

Laurent GUERIN edited this page Dec 26, 2017 · 11 revisions

Telosys User Guide - Templates

Once you have a model you need templates to generate your code.

Of course you can create your own templates, but the simplest way to start is to use existing templates.

Templates are organized in "bundles". A "bundle" is a set of templates designed to generate a particular kind of targets.

Templates bundles can be downloaded for GitHub. Each bundle is a "git repository".

You can download bundles from the official site :

To see (or change) the current GitHub URL use the gh command.

To list the bundles available on the current GitHub URL use the lgh command.

When you have found a useful bundle for your project, you can install it with the ib (Install Bundle) command.

The syntax is : ib bundle-name

For more convenience, you can use only a part of the bundle name (this part must be discriminant enough to identify a single bundle).

For example ib jaxrs to install the java-web-rest-jaxrs1-T300 bundle.

NB : If you are using a proxy to access Internet, you must configure it in the project configuration file. Use the ecfg command to edit the configuration file and set the properties for "Network proxy configuration"

Other useful commands :

lb (List Bundles) to list all the bundles installed in your project

b (Bundle) to show or set the current bundle

eb (Edit Bundle) to edit the bundle of templates ( 'templates.cfg' )

db (Delete Bundle) to delete a bundle

lt (List Templates) to list all the templates provided by the current bundle