"You can't have a pony (except you can)"
A tool for fast logging of JIRA tasks.
Need to have JIRA python module installed. Easiest way is via pip, assuming you have it already:
% sudo pip install jira
Usage: pony [options]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u <customer> name of user needing assistance -- REQUIRED.
-c <comment> brief description of the task, will be used as the bug
summary -- REQUIRED.
-d <duration> amount of time spent, i.e.: 2h, 3d, 1w -- OPTIONAL
-a <serverAuth> Name of person logging ticket, to use as credentials to bug
system -- REQUIRED (but can be set in template)
-p <password> Password to go with -e option -- REQUIRED (but can be set
in template.
-s <serverURL> HTTP URL to bug system -- REQUIRED (but can be set in
-x <project> JIRA project code
-t Run 'pony -t' to create ~/.pony.conf template file to store
server info
To create easy access template, run:
% pony -t
Edit subsequent ~/.pony.conf file -- fill in the blanks as appropriate to avoid having to specify the -a, -p, -s and -x options all the time...
Then you can do:
% pony -u my.customer -c "needed help with this stuff"
Note: it's currently assumed that the values of the USER environment variable is the assignee of a pony task, and if that var doesn't exist, defaults to serverAuth parameter. This is so you can use a unique account to log all pony bugs, but is easy to change in the class constructor if you want to change that behavior.
Author:: Tara Hernandez (tequilarista@gmail.com)