Test LLMs against jailbreaks and unprecedented harms
PyIris is a modular remote access trojan toolkit written in python targeting Windows and Linux systems.
Keras Core Addons: Useful extra functionality for Keras Core.
Codebase for "Tris: A Screening System for Trinary Star System Candidates"
Official Repository for "A Picture is Worth a Thousand Steps: Using Image Processing Techniques to Predict Freezing of Gait (FoG) in Parkinson’s Disease Patients"
Common CTF Challenges is a collection of tools and resources to help individuals improve their Capture the Flag (CTF) skills. Cover a wide range of challenges, from cryptography to reverse engineer…
An archive of past challenges from LA CTF hosted by ACM Cyber at UCLA and Psi Beta Rho.
welcome to tidbits! here's where we place all our links for MIT Solve Submission, 2023.