- Spec: http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/microdata.html
- Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/termi/Nsq27/
- Status: Stable, but be carefull in IE8
var img = document.createElement("img");
img.itemProp = "test";
img.src = "http://example.org/example.jpg";
img.itemValue == img.src;//True
var div = document.createElement("div");
div.itemScope = true;
div.innerHTML = "<div><span><p itemprop=test>some test</p></span></div>";
div.properties["test"][0].itemValue;//"some test"
More examples in example
- Element.itemValue
- Element.itemProp
- Element.itemScope
- Element.itemId
- Element.itemType
- Element.itemRef
- Element.properties
- window.microdata_liveProperties =
- for auto update Element.properties valuefalse
(default) - for cached Element.properties value
- For modern browsers and IE8+:
- First add ES5 and DOM shim (for now only this shim supported: https://github.com/termi/ES5-DOM-SHIM/)
<script src="a.js"></script>
- When add microdata script
<script src="microdata-js.js"></script>
- For IE8+ support:
- Add ES5 and DOM shim and microdata script as:
<!--[if IE 8]>
<script src="a.ie8.js"></script>
<script src="a.js"></script>
<script src="microdata-js.js"></script>
- Live "properties" property (turn it on manualy window.microdata_liveProperties = true)
- Implementation of PropertyNodeList and HTMLPropertiesCollection prototypes
- Extending DocumentFragment.prototype with getItems function
- Extending PropertyNodeList and HTMLPropertiesCollection prototypes with toJSON functions
- Inherit native PropertyNodeList and HTMLPropertiesCollection prototypes from Array
- Opera < 12, Google Chrome, Safary, FireFox, IE8 and maybe others
based on Opera microdata tests
- Require window.DOMStringCollection (DOMSettableTokenList like object) (created by https://github.com/termi/ES5-DOM-SHIM/)
- Opera >= 11.60:
- PropertyNodeList.values, PropertyNodeList.toJSON and HTMLPropertiesCollection.toJSON propertys will be available only after window.onload event
- Live HTMLElement.prototype without window.microdata_liveProperties option
- Delete code adding "values" property if it not compliance with FINALE Microdata specification
- FireFox bug $0.itemId = "" -> $0.itemId != ""