A First Order Low Pass Filter library
Current Version = 1.3
Version Date = 12/17/2019
How to use
- Add constructor and input time constant: i.e. LPF AnalogValueLPF(10);
- Every time you get a new Analog Value to filter (i.e. analogRead(A0)), call the Step method and pass it in.
The Step method will return the filtered ananalog value:: i.e. PostFilteredAnalogValue = AnalogValueLPF.step(analogRead(A0)) Returns NAN if there is a problem. Check GetErrorMessage for human readable message as to the error:
if (AnalogValueLPF.step(PreFilteredAnalogValue) == NAN) {
- Any time you want, directly set the time constant in units of seconds: i.e. AnalogValueLPF.RC = 1;
- Set the time constant based on cuttoff frequency (fc) by having the Setfc method calculate the RC and set it for you
- All internal variables are doubles for maximum precision. For maximum speed I recommend converting your pre filtered value first and returning it into a double:
double PreFilteredAnalogValue = double(analogRead(A0));
double PostFilteredAnalogValue = AnalogValueLPF.step(PreFilteredAnalogValue); //Use the 'PostFilteredAnalogValue' elsewhere in your code by scaling it or whatever
if (PostFilteredAnalogValue == NAN) {
//Do something here...something went wrong
Simple Usage (Note this program hasn't actually been tested, but you get the idea):
#include <LPF.h>
LPF AnalogValueLPF(1); //Create a LPF will a time constant of 1second
int PostFilteredRawAnalogValue; //The final filtered value to use in your program, ready for scaling
Setup {
loop {
int PreFilteredRawAnalogValue = analogRead(A0);
PostFilteredRawAnalogValue = AnalogValueLPF.Step(PreFilteredAnalogValue); //Perform Low Pass Filter
Serial.print(F(" Pre= ")); Serial.println(PreFilteredAnalogValue);
Serial.print(F(" Post= ")); Serial.println(PostFilteredAnalogValue);
//....Rest of program here, such as scaling PostFilteredRawAnalogValue to useable units
delay(10); //Just to prevent spamming of Serial port
Suggested Usage (Note this program hasn't actually been tested, but you get the idea):
#include <LPF.h>
LPF AnalogValueLPF(1); //Create a LPF will a time constant of 1second
double PostFilteredRawAnalogValue; //The final filtered value used in your program
double ScaledValue;
Setup {
loop {
//Library internal variables are all 'double', you will save some time in method calls if you convert to double right away and return to a double
//Get Raw analog value and convert it to a double right away (the library is just going to do this anyway)
double PreFilteredAnalogValue = double(random(0, 100));
//Perform Low Pass Filter
PostFilteredAnalogValue = AnalogValueLPF.Step(PreFilteredAnalogValue);
//Error Checking
if (PostFilteredAnalogValue == NAN) {//Something Went Wrong, handle it, you don't want the rest of your code working with a bad number
//Do something to handle that its a bad number, such as go to scale high.
ScaledValue = 100.0;
else {
//PostFilteredAnalogValue is good! Scale it or something. Example below scales a 12bit analog between 0-100.0
ScaledValue = PostFilteredAnalogValue / 4096.0 * 100.0;
Serial.print(F(" Pre= ")); Serial.println(PreFilteredAnalogValue);
Serial.print(F(" Post= ")); Serial.println(PostFilteredAnalogValue);
//....Rest of program here
delay(10); //Just to prevent spamming of Serial port
v1.3 - Modified to dynamically calculate the clock cycles per us dynamically based on F_CPU. Moved assembly code for getting clock cycles into main step method to avoid an additional call. Added Additional overloads for direct use of analogRead and other ints
v1.2 - Modified to dynamic assignment of LPF coeffients based on a cutoff frequency or time constant. adapated from: https://www.quora.com/Whats-the-C-coding-for-a-low-pass-filter
v1.1 - Condensed the multiple functions into one LPF function with a Stregth input
v1.0 - First release. Adapted from code retrieved from http://www.schwietering.com/jayduino/filtuino