Author: Michelle Casbon
An example of LHC data on Kubeflow based on the Kaggle TrackML Particle Tracking Challenge.
- Create a cluster and install Kubeflow
- Run a notebook
- Run a pipeline
- Run hyperparameter tuning
Create a cluster with Click-to-deploy using default settings. Follow the provided instructions to setup OAuth credentials.
After the cluster is available and you are able to access the Kubeflow central dashboard, enable auto-provisioning with the following command:
gcloud beta container clusters update kubeflow \
--zone europe-west1-b \
--enable-autoprovisioning \
--max-cpu 128 \
--max-memory 1120 \
--max-accelerator type=nvidia-tesla-k80,count=4 \
--verbosity error
From the Kubeflow central dashboard, click on Notebooks and spawn a new instance. Use all defaults except for the following parameters:
CPU: 2
Memory: 12.0Gi
When the notebook instance is ready, click Connect and open a new Terminal. Run this command to import necessary libraries:
git clone src/trackml-library
pip install src/trackml-library
pip install pandas
pip install matplotlib
pip install seaborn
Download sample data with this command:
mkdir input
gsutil cp gs://chasm-data/kaggle/trackml-particle-identification/ input
cd input
Upload the file
, which was
adapted from
Wesam Elshamy's
Kaggle Kernel
for use on Kubeflow v0.5.0, and open the notebook.
Each step in a pipeline references a container image. Build the necessary docker images with these commands:
docker/ kfp_kubectl
docker/ trackml
In a local Terminal or Cloud Shell, install the Kubeflow pipelines python SDK by running this command:
pip install -U kfp
Compile a pipeline by running it directly:
curl -O
From the Kubeflow central dashboard, click on Pipeline Dashboard, then Upload
pipeline. Select the file you just created (
) and then Upload.
Run the pipeline by first creating an experiment, then a run.
From the Kubeflow central dashboard, click on Notebooks, then Upload the file
Run the notebook and click on the resulting links to view the pipeline executing.
Run once more, requesting GPU resources and watch auto-provisioning add a GPU node to the cluster before executing training.
Run the gpu-example on the cluster with this command:
kubectl apply -f
Observe auto-provisioning spin up 2 extra GPU nodes (5 total: 2 CPU, 3 GPU).