Small but simple library providing a function decorator similar to Kotlins @throws(...) decorator with the small difference that multiple exceptions or errors can be combined in just one single annotation. Should maily used for documentation and debugging purposes.
Installation is possible using the Python pip command line tool. For you the command to install this library may look like this:
pip3 install throws
To use the @throw decorator simply place it before the function declaration providing every possible exception raised by the function. For a quick example see below:
from throws import throws
@throws(IOError, ValueError)
def check_version(version_file: str) -> bool:
with open(version_file, "r", encoding = "utf-8") as vf:
if (float( > 1.0):
return true
return false
The library provides two Exceptions by itself, the EmptyListException and the InvalidRaisedException. The first one is raised when there are no parameters provided to @throw and the function decorated is run. The second one occours when the function raises an exception which is not provided to the decorator, providing the developer with feedback that he might have forgotten about handling this specific exception!
To create and upload a new version to PyPI use the following commands:
# 1) Check for correctness
python3 check
# 2) Create distributable files
python3 sdist bdist_wheel
# 3) Check distributable files
python3 -m twine check dist/*
# 4) Upload distributable files
python3 -m twine upload dist/*
Library at the Python Package Index (PyPI):