Laravel 11 Admin Starter Kit with CoreUi. laraStarterAdmin built to cut initial creation time of a laravel project.
- Authentication (Login, Register, Password Reset)
- Authorization - Create Role, Assign Users to Roles, Add permissions to Roles.
- Simple CRUD with Ajax Datatables
- Clone the repo
git clone
- Install Composer packages
composer install
Update your .env file to reflect your database settings and the serving method of choice.
Migrate database
php artisan migrate
- Seed Permissions and Admin User
php artisan db:seed --class=PermissionTableSeeder
php artisan db:seed --class=CreateAdminUserSeeder
- Run the app
php artisan serve
- Access By
- User Credentials
Password: 123456
Following libraries, Packages are used in this app.
Want more functions? Raise an issue with your suggestion
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for ways to get started.
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This project is licensed under MIT