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The Classroom


  • Replace the string with your connect string in the mongoose.connect method in the database.js file.


npm install to install the dependencies.


npm start to start the server.


Libraries, Frameworks Used

  • Express - A Node.js web application framework.
  • Mongoose - A MongoDB object modeling tool.
  • Bootstrap - A front-end framework for developing responsive, mobile-first projects on the web.
  • JQuery - A JavaScript library that simplifies HTML document traversing, event handling, animating, and Ajax interactions for rapid web development.

What can be done in this project?


  • Lists all the classes you're in and the ones you own.
  • Directly navigate to a class' assignment or tests or people page from the dashboard.


  • Create Virtual Classes to help students learn online.
  • Send realtime messages in the class stream.
  • Assign the students with assignments and tests.
  • Find all the people in the class and contact them.
  • Change your class name or delete it anytime
  • This is a PWA so you can install it anywhere and get the same experience.


  • Send Messages and see all your tasks in one place
  • Attend all the lectures with a click of a button

Assignment and Tests

  • Assignments and tests are created by the teachers and students can see them in the class stream
  • Get realtime updates about the submissions and grades


  • Find all the people in the class and contact them


  • See all your classes and the timings and a direct link to attend them
  • Normal Calendar to create and edit events

Technologies Used

  • Service Worker - A progressive web app (PWA) service worker to cache the app and serve it offline.
  • Background Sync - Send data to the server when you're offline and magically get it when you're back online.

Dependencies Used

  • Express - A Node.js web application framework.
  • Bcrypt - A library for hashing and comparing passwords.
  • Express-Session - A session middleware for Express.
  • Mongoose - A MongoDB object modeling tool.
  • MongoDb - A document-oriented database.
  • Nanoid - A short, secure, URL-friendly, unique ID generator.
  • Pug - A templating engine for Node.js.
  • Serve-Favicon - A module for serving a favicon.


  • Heroku - A cloud platform for hosting web apps.