Finally, we reached dependent types in Python side.
- The Haskell Tool Stack
- Python 3.7+
P.S: For users of Python3.7-, you can make a PR to remove the usages of
and from __future__ import annotations
to support
almost all Python versions, which I don't have time and motivations to deal
Firstly you should clone Idris-Cam and install it:
git clone cd idris-cam stack build stack install # install idris-codegen-cam stack install idris # install idris cd libs idris --install cam.ipkg # install cam modules for idris
Then install idris-python
pip install idris-python
- Command: Idris-Python
- Command: Run-Cam
Quite verbose for the lack of encapsulations, not a good example but I'm too busy to work for this.
Following example just revealed that I've alredy implmented such a big task.
module Main
import Cam.FFI
import Cam.IO
import Cam.Data.Collections
import Cam.Data.FCollections
import Cam.Data.Compat
import Data.Vect
import Data.HVect
%access export
main : IO ()
main = do
putStrLn $ show vect
sklearn <- camImport $ TheModule "sklearn.datasets"
load_iris <- camImportFrom sklearn "load_iris"
iris <- unsafeCall load_iris $ zero_ary
data' <- getattr iris "data"
tag <- getattr iris "target"
rfc <- let ensemble = camImport $ TheModule "sklearn.ensemble" in
camImportFrom !ensemble "RandomForestClassifier"
clf <- unsafeCall rfc zero_ary
fit <- getattr clf "fit"
unsafeCall fit . unsafe $ the (FList _) [data', tag]
score <- getattr clf "score"
value <- unsafeCall score . unsafe $ the (FList _) [data', tag] -- overfit
println value
vect : HVect [Int]
vect = the (HVect _) [1]
zero_ary : Unsafe
zero_ary = unsafe $ the (FList Unsafe) $ []
getattr' : IO Unsafe
getattr' = do
b <- camImport $ TheModule "builtins"
camImportFrom b "getattr"
getattr : Unsafe -> String -> IO Unsafe
getattr obj s =
let s = unsafe . the (Boxed String) $ s in
let args = unsafe . the (FHVect [_, _]) $ [obj, toText s] in
unsafeCall !getattr' args
You might got
[1] 0.99
If you run it as a file with command idris-python