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This repository has been archived by the owner on Sep 27, 2024. It is now read-only.

A nix flake for configuring spicetify. Includes packaging for many popular themes and extensions.


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This project is now archived, as I do not have time or focus to maintain it. Please direct any issues or contributions to this fork instead: Besides being maintained, this flake has working automated updates, fixes for a bunch of broken plugins and themes (lyricsPlus, newReleases, dribbblish) and a hugely improved/simplified codebase.

When I migrated from this flake to Gerg's, I had to make the following changes to my home manager configuration:

  1. the-argus/spicetify-nix -> Gerg-L/spicetify-nix :)
  2. spicetify-nix.packages.${pkgs.system}.default -> spicetify-nix.legacyPackages.${pkgs.system}
  3. spicetify-nix.homeManagerModule -> spicetify-nix.homeManagerModules.default (will be the same pattern if you are using spicetify-nix.nixosModule)
  4. spicePkgs.themes.Onepunch -> spicePkgs.themes.onepunch, and Dribbblish -> dribbblish, SpotifyNoPremium -> spotifyNoPremium etc. Camel case is enforced across all the package and theme names.

Here is the diff for this migration change.

My apologies to anyone who waited on issues or outstanding PRs. My thanks to everyone who contributed or made issues. And thanks to Gerg who, besides maintaining the new flake, was a huge help when I was first working on this one.


Modifies Spotify using spicetify-cli.

spicetify-themes are included and available.


To use, add this flake to your home-manager configuration flake inputs, like so:

  # create an input called spicetify-nix, and set its url to this repository
  inputs.spicetify-nix.url = "github:the-argus/spicetify-nix";

And when writing your outputs function, make sure to accept spicetify-nix (or whatever you chose to call it in the inputs) as a function input:

    outputs = { nixpkgs, spicetify-nix, ...}: let # notice spicetify-nix here
        pkgs = import nixpkgs { system = "x84_64-linux"; };
    in {
      homeConfigurations."your_username" = home-manager.lib.homeManagerConfiguration {
        inherit pkgs;
        extraSpecialArgs = {inherit spicetify-nix;};
        modules = [
            ./spicetify.nix # file where you configure spicetify

An even more general solution is available, though, which isn't necessary but is recommended, as it will prevent you from having to manually put all other flake inputs you may add in the future to extraSpecialArgs. You can make a variable which contains all of your flake inputs, no matter what you change them to, and just pass that to extraSpecialArgs. Home manager even has a reserved argument inside of extraSpecialArgs for that: inputs.

    # the ... lets us accept any inputs, and "@ inputs" lets us capture those.
    outputs = { nixpkgs, ...} @ inputs: let     
        # here we use nixpkgs from our inputs, which is why why included it
        # above instead of just {...} @ inputs. If we did that, this would be
        # "inputs.nixpkgs".
        pkgs = import nixpkgs { system = "x86_64-linux"; };
    in {
      homeConfigurations."your_username" = home-manager.lib.homeManagerConfiguration {
        inherit pkgs;
        # put our flake inputs into the "inputs" argument of extraSpecialArgs.
        extraSpecialArgs = {inherit inputs;};
        modules = [
            ./spicetify.nix # file where you configure spicetify

For more information on the (many) different ways of passing flake inputs to modules can be found in this wonderful blog post by Nobbz

If you want to do it as a NixOS module instead of a home-manager module, the process is the same except you use specialArgs instead of extraSpecialArgs in nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem. Also be sure to import spicetify-nix.nixosModule instead of spicetify-nix.homeManagerModule, which you'll see happen in then next section.

Configuration examples

Here are two examples of files which configure spicetify when imported into a user's home-manager configuration.

Minimal Configuration

{ pkgs, lib, spicetify-nix, ... }:
  spicePkgs = spicetify-nix.packages.${pkgs.system}.default;
  # allow spotify to be installed if you don't have unfree enabled already
  nixpkgs.config.allowUnfreePredicate = pkg: builtins.elem (lib.getName pkg) [

  # import the flake's module for your system
  imports = [ spicetify-nix.homeManagerModule ];

  # configure spicetify :)
  programs.spicetify =
      enable = true;
      theme = spicePkgs.themes.catppuccin;
      colorScheme = "mocha";

      enabledExtensions = with spicePkgs.extensions; [
        shuffle # shuffle+ (special characters are sanitized out of ext names)

Maximal configuration

NOTE: the purpose of this configuration is to demonstrate all the possible customization options. It's not sane at all, and I see no reason why you should actually use this one.

  # this is the same as pkgs but the url is github:nixos/nixpkgs-unstable
  # this is pkgs.lib
  # this is the input to the flake with url github:the-argus/spicetify-nix
  spicePkgs = spicetify-nix.packages.${pkgs.system}.default;
  # allow spotify to be installed if you don't have unfree enabled already
  nixpkgs.config.allowUnfreePredicate = pkg: builtins.elem (lib.getName pkg) [

  # import the flake's module
  imports = [ spicetify-nix.homeManagerModules.default ];

  # configure spicetify :)
  programs.spicetify =
      # use a different version of spicetify-themes than the one provided by
      # spicetify-nix
      officialThemesOLD = pkgs.fetchgit {
        url = "";
        rev = "c2751b48ff9693867193fe65695a585e3c2e2133";
        sha256 = "0rbqaxvyfz2vvv3iqik5rpsa3aics5a7232167rmyvv54m475agk";
      # pin a certain version of the localFiles custom app
      localFilesSrc = pkgs.fetchgit {
        url = "";
        rev = "1bfd2fc80385b21ed6dd207b00a371065e53042e";
        sha256 = "01gy16b69glqcalz1wm8kr5wsh94i419qx4nfmsavm4rcvcr3qlx";
      # use spotify from the nixpkgs master branch
      spotifyPackage = unstable.spotify;

      # use a custom build of spicetify
      spicetifyPackage = pkgs.spicetify-cli.overrideAttrs (oa: rec {
        pname = "spicetify-cli";
        version = "2.14.1";
        src = pkgs.fetchgit {
          url = "${pname}";
          rev = "v${version}";
          sha256 = "sha256-262tnSKX6M9ggm4JIs0pANeq2JSNYzKkTN8awpqLyMM=";
        vendorSha256 = "sha256-E2Q+mXojMb8E0zSnaCOl9xp5QLeYcuTXjhcp3Hc8gH4=";

      # actually enable the installation of spotify and spicetify
      enable = true;

      # custom Dribbblish theme
      theme = {
        name = "Dribbblish";
        src = officialThemesOLD;
        requiredExtensions = [
          # define extensions that will be installed with this theme
            # extension is "${src}/Dribbblish/dribbblish.js"
            filename = "dribbblish.js";
            src = "${officialThemesOLD}/Dribbblish";
        appendName = true; # theme is located at "${src}/Dribbblish" not just "${src}"

        # changes to make to config-xpui.ini for this theme:
        patches = {
          "xpui.js_find_8008" = ",(\\w+=)32,";
          "xpui.js_repl_8008" = ",$\{1}56,";
        injectCss = true;
        replaceColors = true;
        overwriteAssets = true;
        sidebarConfig = true;

      # specify that we want to use our custom colorscheme
      colorScheme = "custom";

      # color definition for custom color scheme. (rosepine)
      customColorScheme = {
        text = "ebbcba";
        subtext = "F0F0F0";
        sidebar-text = "e0def4";
        main = "191724";
        sidebar = "2a2837";
        player = "191724";
        card = "191724";
        shadow = "1f1d2e";
        selected-row = "797979";
        button = "31748f";
        button-active = "31748f";
        button-disabled = "555169";
        tab-active = "ebbcba";
        notification = "1db954";
        notification-error = "eb6f92";
        misc = "6e6a86";

      enabledCustomApps = with spicePkgs.apps; [
          name = "localFiles";
          src = localFilesSrc;
          appendName = false;
      enabledExtensions = with spicePkgs.extensions; [

Themes, Extensions, and CustomApps

Are found in,, and, respectively.


This package has no macOS support, because Spotify in nixpkgs has no macOS support.


A nix flake for configuring spicetify. Includes packaging for many popular themes and extensions.








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