React component button with spinner.
NOTE: v1.0.x has upgrade React to v16. If using older version React, please use latest previous version 0.2.21.
npm install react-fancy-button --save
import FancyButton from 'react-fancy-button';
save() {
this.setState({isSavingNote: true});
isFormValid() {
return someValidations();
render() {
<FancyButton classes='btn btn--small btn-primary btn--full'
onDisabledClick={ () => this.setState({ showErrors: true }) }
classes {String} string of classes on button element
type {String} type of button
label {Any} content in button
onDisabledClick {Function} action on click of disabled button
trigger {Boolean hides/shows spinner and disabled more subsequent clicks from happening unless allowMultiClick is true
disabled {Boolean} disables button
onClick {String} action on click
role {String} aria role for button - defaults to 'button'
ariaLabel {String} aria-label for button - defaults to what prop.label is set to
allowMultiClick {Boolean} defaults to false. If true, it will allow onClick handler to be triggered even if the prop trigger is true
To run the tests you can either run:
npm test
npm test -- --debug=true // for debug mode in chrome