A modern styled input field with animating effects built for React. Has built in validation effects and is built with WCAG a11y in mind.
npm install react-fancy-field --save
import FancyField from 'react-fancy-field';
return {
note: 'my notes!',
isEditing: false,
triggerValidation: 0
isFieldRequired(val, name) {
return val && typeof val === 'string' && val.length > 0;
render() {
const { note, isEditing } = this.state;
<FancyField value={note}
onChange={val => this.setState({note: val})}
placeholder='Fill in note here...'/>
name {String} name of input
type {String} type of input (text, number, etc..)
triggerValidation {Integer} Increment this value to trigger validation.
label {String} label of input
classes {String} class(es) to put on to the element.
placeholder {String} placeholder of input.
validator {Method || Array} validator If falsy, field is valid. If is string, field is invalid and string will be error message. If validator is an Array, it will iterate over all validators in array and display all messages.
value {String} value of the input field. Can be used to set the initial value.
onChange {Method} method that is called onChange event.
onFocus {Method} method that is called onFocus event.
tooltip {String} shows a tooltip to left of input value.
required {Boolean} indicator to show that input is required
readOnly {Boolean} determine if input should be read-only
isIconRight {Boolean} puts icon to right
isEditable {Boolean} will make field look editable by giving the border a blue underline.
icon {JSX} any image that should appear to the left of the field
autoFocus {Boolean} will autofocus on input if true
autoComplete {String} autocomplete name field for autofilling of fields in form will; default to string 'new-password'
To have a working tooltip you must include the svg image in your application. Then add the background property to your css:
.unsullied-icon-help {
background-image: url('/path/to/img/unsullied-help.svg');
@include vendor('transform', scale(0.75)); // can omit this or edit scale multiplier as necessary
To run the tests you can either run:
npm test
npm test -- --debug=true // for debug mode in chrome