Check if the url is 200-A-Ok 🎈
npm: npm install status-is-ok
yarn: yarn add status-is-ok
const IsOk = require('status-is-ok')
const IsOk = require('status-is-ok')
const isUrlOk = new IsOk()
isUrlOk.check('', callback)
const IsOk = require('status-is-ok')
const isUrlOk = new IsOk();
The module exposes just a single function:
.check(url, [callback])
- this checks the url is ok, and will return a promise or return via the callback if one is specified
The callback and promise will return an object with the following keys:
isOk: boolean | returns false on a failure
status: status code returned | returns 404 on a failure
message: status message
error: any errors encountered | empty on a successful check
linting yarn lint // or npm run lint
running the test suite yarn test // or npm test
- check if the requested url is 200 status (OK)
- write some tests
- handle arrays
- cli