Conway's Game of Life in Go, cross-platform
Uses Gio by @EliasNaur.
For the desktop app, Go 1.12 is fine.
To build the web version (which you don't have to do if you only want to run it), you'll need 1.13 / go tip. (Explaining "go tip" is beyond the scope of this readme, sorry.)
Again: the www/ directory in the repo is ready to run, no need to (re)build it. So if you just want to try it, you don't need "go tip".
% export GO111MODULE=on
% go run life.go
% go get
% goexec 'http.ListenAndServe(":8080", http.FileServer(http.Dir("www")))'
Browse to http://localhost:8080.
Browse to
May take a few moments to download on your first visit; ~4 mb download (~1 mb on the wire).
(May not work in Chrome (see #1) though it does for me. If not, try a different browser.)
These work in the desktop app and in the browser.
to quit (in the browser this just halts execution)r
to restart the universe with random cells-
(minus key) to reduce the scale (zoom out)+
to increase the scale (zoom in) (=
also works)<
to slow down the generations>
to speed them upp
You can also click-and-drag or scroll around.
You can't enter or save patterns yet.