Refit Insane PowerPack is a Refit library extensions which provides attribute based cache and auto-retry features.
Install-Package Refit.Insane.PowerPack
v, v
- Advanced previous updates regarding cache to stable
- Fixed bugs related to thread safety - on first call to API, when done by multiple threads - it could results in InvalidOperationException, (RestService is thread safe now)
v., v.
- FIXED BROKEN HttpClientDiagnosticsHandler - make sure you do not use it in production env if you are using !!
- Extended Refit Cache Behaviour - force cache refresh is now controlled via [RefitCacheBehaviour] - Default (cache not refreshed), Force Update without fallback to cache ( cache refreshed + refresh response returned), Force Update with fallback to cache ( cache refreshed + in case refresh response failed - cache returned if available, in case refresh response succeed - response returned) Please read RefitCacheBehaviour summary (intellisense)
v., v.
Release candidate.
- Added RefitCacheLocation into [RefitCacheAttribute] - support for Akavache BlobStorage (please read akavache documentation or read attribute summary) - default IPersistedCache service.
- Added possibility to force cache refresh (even if cached version already exists ) - optional boolean on Execute method. Use-case: you have cache that never expires but you want to update it (without clearing) for ex. lists and pull to refresh.
- Added possibility to force cache refresh based on time elapsed since last save - use new Execute method with Func<TimeSpan?, bool> parameter - nullable TimeSpan (null = cache has no entry) since last update. Use-case: you have app settings that should never be cleared (persisted) - but it should also be updated every ~24 hours.
v., v.
- New versioning rule = RefitVersionNumber.x - where x is PowerPack version
- Added method to retrieve cache manually via RefitCacheService.Instance
- Added comment/description into ApiAttribute ctor - regarding HttpClientHandlers
- Version bump of Akavache
- Added packages for Refit 5.2.4 & 6.3.2
- Fixed HttpClientDiagnosticsHandler - it never worked with Release version -.- -> if debugger attached it will trace request/response/performance etc..
v. 1.2.4
- Updated refit/akavache/polly to latest stable.
- Nuget Package supports NetStandard 2.0 again.
- Nuget Package supports net6.0 and fixed net5.0 support (it might be broken in 1.2.3).
v. 1.2.3
- Updated refit/akavache/polly to most recent stable.
- Changed AppRestService methods to async - PrepareResponse, CanPrepareResponse etc. (breaking change)
- Package supports net5.0 and netstandard2.1 now.
v. 1.1.1
- NetStandard 2.0 support
v. 1.0.3
- "User friendly" (with suggestion) instead of NullReferenceException is thrown when BaseUri/ApiDefinition Uri is not set #8
- Support for setting global timeout (when ApiDefinitionAttribute is not set on interface) in BaseApiConfiguration class #7
- Fixed bugs which prevented handling ApiException (custom status codes) when inheriting from RefitRestService #6
- Check Sample app which is available in this repository.
- Read changelog above!
- Read presentation I have created for Cracow #Xamarines -
- In order to use ApiDefinitionAttribute you need to either:
- Attach attributes to each refit API interface
- Attach attribute to only specific API interfaces but also set BaseApiConfiguration.ApiUri which will be used as base uri for all interfaces without ApiDefinition attribute
As library is using Akavache by default for caching you would need to explictly call:
- Akavache.BlobCache.LocalMachine/InMemory/Secure/UserAccount (dependent on CacheLocation you're using, by default it is LocalMachine).Flush() - dependent on platform, on Android OnActivityDestroyed() and when app goes background works well -> read:
- If you want to prevent app from growing size (and especially to clear expired keys) and optimize internal databasize sie (sqlite vacuum) - you need to call: Akavache.BlobCache.LocalMachine/InMemory/Secure/UserAccount.Vacuum() -> for mobile, app startup seems to work fine - in case cache is very big - you could implement background worker
Thanks to Artur Malendowicz ( for implementing multiple API support (ApiDefinition)
Thanks to Jakub Kaprzyk ( for implementing ApiDefinition Timeout support.