This is a port of Ryan Bates's Textmate/vim theme. The original themes can be found here
Railscasts Reloaded is available in both MELPA Stable and MELPA.
Use package-install
to install the theme
M-x package-install railscasts-reloaded-theme
You can also use use-package
(use-package railscasts-reloaded-theme
:ensure t
(load-theme 'railscasts-reloaded t))
The theme can be installed using the following steps
Clone the repo to the themes folder inside .emacs.d
$ git clone
Then add this to your init.el
(add-to-list 'custom-theme-load-path "~/.emacs.d/themes/railscasts-reloaded-theme/")
(load-theme 'railscasts-reloaded t)
Load the theme with:
M-x load-theme railscasts-reloaded
Or you can add this to your init.el
(load-theme 'railscasts-reloaded t)
This is a work in progress and a lot of modes are unsupported. If you want a mode added, open an issue. Better still open a PR.