My other emulators: dmgo, famigo, vcsgo, and segmago.
- Only the 6502 monitor is included! It's 1976, and you didn't spring for the tape/BASIC upgrade!
- If you have a text file in monitor syntax, put that file in as an argument to have it auto-typed in!
- Hyperspeed! (hit F11 to speed things up)
- Quicksave/Quickload, too!
- Graphical cross-platform support!
- You can compile on windows with no C dependencies.
- Other platforms should do whatever the ebiten page says, which is what's currently under the hood.
- If you have go version >= 1.18,
go build ./cmd/a1go
should be enough. - The interested can also see my build script
for profiling and such. - Non-windows users will need ebiten's dependencies.
- Reset button is F1
- Clear Screen in F2
- Quicksave/Quickload is done by pressing F4 (make quicksave) or F9 (load quicksave), followed by a number key