Gives basic tooling for Quarkus work in Emacs, inspired by the IntelliJ IDEA and VSCode extensions.
Warning: Very experimental. Details might change as I commit stuff, or things might break. Ugly code while evaling code left and right inside Emacs.
is activated in the pom.xml buffer above)
NOTE: For this to work, you NEED to run =quarkus-setup-tooling= for the tools to be downloaded. Working on possible alternatives atm…
#+ATTR width: 800
(the documentation popup on the side is from company box)
To get this working, you need to do the following:
- Start jdtls using lsp-java inside a Java source file.
- Run
when jdtls has started. - Navigate to a .properties file and activate
The plan is to make it easier. Have to work around how lsp-mode works it seems…
This package is not yet on Melpa, so you need to install it from source. Start by cloning this repo somewhere, then add it to your load path and load it:
(add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/cloned/repo")
(require 'quarkus)
Or just use straight use-package like a sane human being would:
(use-package quarkus
:straight (quarkus :type git :host github :repo "themkat/emacs-quarkus"))
This package depends on other packages, which are pulled in if installed by straight.
- helm
- ht
- s.el
- dash
- request
Start it inside the directory you want to create the project in!
Can be run anywhere inside a Quarkus project.
NOTE: Only necessary if you need completion and tooling in property files. Downloads all tooling and puts them into the correct place.
NOTE: Currently a little hacky, but at least it works… Run from a Java file inside your project to get the property context filled in. You can then
Used in property files so that the MicroProfile Language Server is activated.