This project was created using Flask and
In the project directory, you can run:
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:5000 to view it in your browser.
Read below if you face any issues while running the app.
These creds work only if mongoDB is installed in your PC.
Student User
Username: user@ssn
Password: user
Bus Tracker Admin
Username: admin@ssn
Password: admin
Since the app uses a specific version of certain modules, it is highly recommended to create a virtual environment and then install the modules from requirements.txt
python -m virtualenv venv
Install modules from requirements.txt using:
pip install -r requirements.txt
You need MongoDB installed in your PC to fix this error. The app takes care of initialising a database with dummy values, once mongodb is installed.
You might see "For developement purposes only" or "Map didn't load correctly" errors in homepage. You need to generate google maps API key and update it in homepage.html script tag to fix this error.
NOTE: The app will work perfectly even without the key. The key is to remove the map overlay text.