Python-xsense is a small library to interact with the API of XSense Home Security. It allows to retrieve the status of various devices and the basestation.
>>> from xsense import XSense >>> from xsense.utils import dump_environment >>> api = XSense() >>> api.init() >>> api.login(username, password) >>> api.load_all() >>> for _, h in api.houses.items(): >>> for _, s in h.stations.items(): >>> api.get_state(s) >>> dump_environment(api)
>>> import asyncio >>> from xsense import AsyncXSense >>> from xsense.utils import dump_environment >>> >>> async def run(username: str, password: str): >>> api = AsyncXSense() >>> await api.init() >>> await api.login(username, password) >>> for _, h in api.houses.items(): >>> for _, s in h.stations.items(): >>> await api.get_state(s) >>> dump_environment(api) >>> >>>, password))
This library is in an early development stage and created primarily to make an integration for home assistant.