This plugin will wrap your images in a div with a class of image-wrapper. This allows you to add CSS styles to style the way the image is displayed.
<div class="image-wrapper" />
Add the plugin to your book.json
"plugins" : [ "image-wrapper" ]
Add images normally to your document using Markdown

Each image will be wrapped in a div like this
<div class="image-wrapper">
<img src="/assets/image-url.jpg" alt="Alt Text" />
Add the following CSS to your book to center your images and add some additional spacing:
.image-wrapper {
text-align: center;
padding: 15px 0px;
When building the getting started guide for my startup Election Runner I was annoyed at the limitation of Markdown and not being able to add inline-styles without using HTML. All I wanted to do was center images and make them responsive, so I made this little plugin.