Releases: thesimonho/kanagawa-paper.nvim
Releases · thesimonho/kanagawa-paper.nvim
2.0.0 (2025-03-08)
- config: rename config options for consistency
- pywal: remove pywal extra
- fish: remove fish extra
- add ability to choose plugin themes to apply
- add ability to choose plugin themes to apply (72a85ab)
- alacritty: add template for alacritty extra (a8d59a1)
- canvas: add canvas palette (524683a)
- config: add brightness offset option (0429b5f)
- config: add option to enable/disable background for virtual text (71206ee)
- config: add saturation offset option (10075f0)
- config: add theme caching option (bd5b271)
- config: auto plugin loading option for lazy.nvim (c19ce6f)
- editor: add highlight for examples in help files (ff004f1)
- extras: add build process for extras (ed1119a)
- fish: remove fish extra (3e465db)
- fzf: add template for fzf extra (f1a86cf)
- ghostty: add template for ghostty theme (8306edb)
- ink: set scrollbar to shade of the bg (4c34918)
- ink: use brightened colors for bright ansi colors (b2a8360)
- kitty: add template for kitty extra (191a5dc)
- lazygit: add template for lazygit extra (c8b7cdf)
- lsp: using bg highlight for lspreferences (89f65b7)
- pywal: remove pywal extra (4c98a06)
- terminal: add template for windows terminal extra (1524591)
- terminator: add template for terminator extra (2f191bf)
- termux: add template for termux extra (e9761e1)
- theme: add default lotus colors (aa96c99)
- theme: add theme switching (2220c56)
- theme: create new accent color (651acd8)
- tilix: add template for tilix extra (b246761)
- utils: add utils lib and hot reload for palette (ed1119a)
- vscode_terminal: add template for vscode terminal extra (d8942ed)
- wezterm_tabline: add template for wezterm tabline plugin (bdd93df)
- wezterm: add wezterm integration to auto switch the theme (bd51421)
- wezterm: add wezterm template (66bae38)
Bug Fixes
- canvas: bolder colors (e7c9255)
- canvas: improve indent colors (e7c9255)
- canvas: reduce saturation of canvas colors (0449f68)
- config: fix theme overrides for multiple themes (ad35e0e)
- config: rename config options for consistency (908f6a9)
- dev: fix colour indicators during dev mode (ed1119a)
- editor: add fg color to visual selections so they're easier to read (03969da)
- extras: building with the wrong theme field (52e7781)
- extras: set execute permissions (c8ab889)
- float: make float and pemu colors more consistent across themes (d7be442)
- ink: make diag backgrounds brighter (3c386ad)
- ink: make gray more readable (660e70d)
- lazy: fix consistency of lazy buttons (5983df2)
- lsp: make inlays and refs more subtle (57363b5)
- lsp: unset lsp comment fg to allow TODO notes to show up correctly (dd3a8d8)
- lualine: add default theme for backward compat (5ab4d0d)
- neotree: make colors more distinctive (fe859eb)
- noice: fix command line search text readability (b66f6fc)
- tabline: make tabline colors easier to read (9e93947)
- telescope: add missing hlgroups (917dcb8)
- theme: fix background changing behavior of static themes (846941f)
- theme: fix dynamic theme loading (67101b9)
- theme: set relative light and dark colors for diag (1c7c7e5)
- theme: use blend for diag backgrounds (d3dad2b)
- treesitter_context: fix line number coloring (45ba977)
- treesitter: standardize markdown headers on rainbow (84511f2)
- ts-context: improve style of context window (793dbbd)
- vcs: use new vcs colors instead of base groups (f5ab058), closes #25
- wezterm_tabline: add tab colors (fed9212)
- wezterm_tabline: fix section A fg color ([bdd93df](https://github....
1.8.0 (2025-02-08)
- blink: add additional blink highlights (a38356b)
- blink: add highlights for blink completion (79bdc98)
- extras: add ghostty (0aee289)
- lsp: add additional lsp types (ec651cb)
- palette: add darker sumiInk color (dca5578)
Bug Fixes
- blink: make source text more readable (502cd71)
- dap: make breakpoints and UI buttons more readable (bf4a8a9)
- lualine: set the correct statusline color (8da902e)
- lualine: use darker color for inactive statusline (108f0f5)
- noice: match cmdline search text to match color (4abc704)
- snacks: set color for indents (74f9110)
- treesitter: set underline color (63e61fd)
- treesitter: use underline for urls (728081f)
- trouble: make trouble counts more readable (21c86a4)
1.6.0 (2024-10-12)
- add hl for markdown.nvim headers (c1fac34)
- barbar: fix background when using transparent theme (e264574)
- extras: add color overrides for wezterm tabline (66053e5)
- grug-far: add hl for grug-far (197f0e8)
Bug Fixes
- barbar: fix bolding of a few elements (07d9685)
- editor: differentiate cursorline and visual selection colors (1a4909c), closes #14
- editor: winbar typo (5067fa5)
- headlines: reduce brightness of markdown header bg (341adbe)
- indent: make indent lines brighter (71b3360)
- lsp: remove inlay and codelens bg for transparent themes (e7eb180)
- lsp: tweak some LSP colors (inlayhints, modules) (5969bfa)
- markdown: fix header colors (cb5b597)
- markdown: remove underline from markdown links (4376cd2)
- vcs: add darker diff colors (928f0f4)
1.5.0 (2024-07-15)
- gitgutter: add hl for gitgutter (5c8095c)
- indent: add hl for indent line character (06bc994)
- neotest: add hl for neotest (3407e75)
- octo: add hl for octo (94954b6)
- overseer: add hl for overseer (8a40bf2)
- rainbow: add hl for rainbow (8858669)
- which-key: add hl for the title (05c0e0b)
- windowpicker: add hl for window picker letter (bbf1a7b)
Bug Fixes
- yanky: link highlights to visual and insert mode colors (66596b9)
Full Changelog: v1.4.0...v1.4.1
What's Changed
- chore(master): release 1.4.0 by @github-actions in #5
New Contributors
- @github-actions made their first contribution in #5
Full Changelog: v1.3.1...v1.4.0
Full Changelog: v1.3.0...v1.3.1
Full Changelog: v1.2.2...v1.3.0
Full Changelog: v1.2.1...v1.2.2