The structure of the repo is the following (refer to this for the relative paths in your scripts and please DON'T change it):
- annotations (this folder contains the JSON files for the annotated dataset, i.e. the labels)
- data (the dataset, the structure of the folders is consistent with the annotations) (of course, this folder is empty...)
- preprocessing (this folder contains code for preprocessing and dataset manipulation in pytorch)
- docs (this folder is for documents of any kind)
- single_network (this folder contains the code of the single big network)
- modular_network (this folder contains the code of the modularized network)
- attention (this folder contains the code of the attention network)
- data_augmentation (this folder contains the script used to apply data augmentation to the data folder)
- visualization (this folder contain code for generating images of data visualization and some results)
- pycocotools
- pytorch
- requirements.txt of dl4cv
Download and extract from, enter directory PythonAPI, open a terminal and run
python build_ext install
Assumed your virtual environment has all the packages listed in the file requirements.txt installed, you may still need some additional installations to make the preprocessing work:
sudo apt-get install python3-tk
- Download and extract the dataset from and put it in a folder called 'data' as child of the root folder
- Preprocess the data using
- Run any script using the preprocessed images and the relative annotation files