// basic things about flutter (Covered 149+ topics)
- Text
- Container
- Raw
- Column
- Icon
- Image
- ListView
- Stack
- Positioned
- SizedBox
- Expanded
- Custom Widget
- List
- ListTile
- Drawer
- Card
- Stateful Widget
- Counter App
- Button
- Snack Bar
- Toast
- Read Local Json
- Multiple page app
- Sending data between them
- Reading json data from api
- Shared Preferences
- Correct method of using a file from assets
- Displaying data by using a Model Class
- Option menu, PopupMenu, On Selected, PopupButton, onSelected
- Dropdown Button, DropdownButton Form Field, DropdownButton FormField From A List
- Alert Dialogue
- Enabled Back Button
- Exit Dialogue
- AppBar
- Safe Area
- Media Query
- Stack
- Overflow / Clip Behavior
- Image (Correct way to use images)
- Image From URL
- Liquid Swap
- CardView
- GridView
- Neumorphic Design
- Expended
- PageViewer
- Hero
- Bottom Navigation Bar
- TabBar
- Sliver AppBar
- Gradient
- State Manegament By Set State
- State Management
- Data Transfer (By Set State)
- State Management
- Data Transfer (By Provider)
- Image picker
- Bottom Sheet
- Curved Bottom Navigation
- Custom Dialogue
- SnackBar
- Slider
- RichText
- Dismissable
- Checkbox
- Animated Cross Fade
- Switch
- Animated Container
- Expentiontile
- Tooltip
- Backdrop Filter
- Date
- Time
- Transform
- Data Table
- NavigationRail
- Rive Animation
- Cursor Slider
- Cursor Slider with Indicator
- Connect with Firebase
- Create account with Email & Pass
- Log in with Email & Pass
- Check user state
- Log out user
- Firestore (Add data)
- Firestore (Get data)
- Firestore (Get single data unrealtime)
- Firestore (QuerySnapshot)
- Firestore (DocumentSnapshot)
- Firestore (Update data)
- Firestore (Update nested data)
- Firestore (Get Nested Data by FieldPath)
- Firestore (Delete a Document)
- Firestore (Delete a specific Document)
- Storage (Get the list)
- Storage (Get download link)
- Storage (Get image)
- Storage (Upload image)
- Storage (Delete image)
- # with Google
- # with Phone 101.1. Firebase Cloud Messaging (Push notification) 101.2. Firebase Forground Cloud Message with Flutter Local Notification
- Introduction screen
- Create a build APK (Signed)
- WebView
- AspectRatio
- Align
- FittedBox
- FractionallySizedBox
- LayoutBuilder
- OrientationBuilder
- Wrap
- Opacity
- AnimatedOpacity
- FadeTransition
- ClipRRect
- Transform
- double.infinity
- Flexible
- Spacer
- PlaceHolder
- ReorderableListView
- AnimatedSwitcher
- AnimatedPadding
- IndexedStack
- ConstrainedBox
- AnimatedOpacity
- FractionallySizedBox
- SelectableText
- DraggableScrollableSheet
- ColorFiltered
- ToggleButtons
- CupertinoActionSheet
- ListWheelScrollView
- ShaderMask
- Builder
- IgnorePointer
- CupertinoActivityIndicator
- CheckboxListTile
- showAboutDialog
- SliverAppBar
- InteractiveViewer
- package : Location
- pachkage : device_info
- ImageFiltered
- PhysicalModel
- package : animation
- package : flutter_slidable
- RotatedBox
- Get current location