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// basic things about flutter (Covered 149+ topics)

1: eleven: Basic things 01

  1. Text
  2. Container
  3. Raw
  4. Column
  5. Icon
  6. Image
  7. ListView
  8. Stack
  9. Positioned
  10. SizedBox
  11. Expanded
  12. Custom Widget
  13. List
  14. ListTile
  15. Drawer
  16. Card
  17. Stateful Widget
  18. Counter App
  19. Button
  20. Snack Bar
  21. Toast
  22. Read Local Json

2: twelve:

  1. Multiple page app
  2. Sending data between them
  3. Reading json data from api

3: thirteen:

  1. Shared Preferences

4: fourteen: Basic things 02

  1. Correct method of using a file from assets
  2. Displaying data by using a Model Class
  3. Option menu, PopupMenu, On Selected, PopupButton, onSelected
  4. Dropdown Button, DropdownButton Form Field, DropdownButton FormField From A List
  5. Alert Dialogue
  6. Enabled Back Button
  7. Exit Dialogue
  8. AppBar
  9. Safe Area
  10. Media Query
  11. Stack
  12. Overflow / Clip Behavior
  13. Image (Correct way to use images)
  14. Image From URL
  15. Liquid Swap
  16. CardView
  17. GridView
  18. Neumorphic Design
  19. Expended
  20. PageViewer
  21. Hero
  22. Bottom Navigation Bar
  23. TabBar
  24. Sliver AppBar
  25. Gradient
  26. State Manegament By Set State

5: fifteen:

  1. State Management
  2. Data Transfer (By Set State)

6: sixteen:

  1. State Management
  2. Data Transfer (By Provider)

7: seventeen:

  1. Image picker
  2. Bottom Sheet
  3. Curved Bottom Navigation
  4. Custom Dialogue
  5. SnackBar
  6. Slider
  7. RichText
  8. Dismissable
  9. Checkbox
  10. Animated Cross Fade
  11. Switch
  12. Animated Container
  13. Expentiontile
  14. Tooltip
  15. Backdrop Filter
  16. Date
  17. Time
  18. Transform
  19. Data Table
  20. NavigationRail
  21. Rive Animation
  22. Cursor Slider
  23. Cursor Slider with Indicator

8: eighteent (fireprac):

  1. Connect with Firebase
  2. Create account with Email & Pass
  3. Log in with Email & Pass
  4. Check user state
  5. Log out user
  6. Firestore (Add data)
  7. Firestore (Get data)
  8. Firestore (Get single data unrealtime)
  9. Firestore (QuerySnapshot)
  10. Firestore (DocumentSnapshot)
  11. Firestore (Update data)
  12. Firestore (Update nested data)
  13. Firestore (Get Nested Data by FieldPath)
  14. Firestore (Delete a Document)
  15. Firestore (Delete a specific Document)
  16. Storage (Get the list)
  17. Storage (Get download link)
  18. Storage (Get image)
  19. Storage (Upload image)
  20. Storage (Delete image)
  21. # with Google
  22. # with Phone 101.1. Firebase Cloud Messaging (Push notification) 101.2. Firebase Forground Cloud Message with Flutter Local Notification

9: nineteen:

  1. Introduction screen
  2. Create a build APK (Signed)
  3. WebView
  4. AspectRatio
  5. Align
  6. FittedBox
  7. FractionallySizedBox
  8. LayoutBuilder
  9. OrientationBuilder
  10. Wrap
  11. Opacity
  12. AnimatedOpacity
  13. FadeTransition
  14. ClipRRect
  15. Transform
  16. double.infinity
  17. Flexible
  18. Spacer
  19. PlaceHolder
  20. ReorderableListView
  21. AnimatedSwitcher
  22. AnimatedPadding
  23. IndexedStack
  24. ConstrainedBox
  25. AnimatedOpacity
  26. FractionallySizedBox
  27. SelectableText
  28. DraggableScrollableSheet
  29. ColorFiltered
  30. ToggleButtons
  31. CupertinoActionSheet
  32. ListWheelScrollView
  33. ShaderMask
  34. Builder
  35. IgnorePointer
  36. CupertinoActivityIndicator
  37. CheckboxListTile
  38. showAboutDialog
  39. SliverAppBar
  40. InteractiveViewer
  41. package : Location
  42. pachkage : device_info
  43. ImageFiltered
  44. PhysicalModel
  45. package : animation
  46. package : flutter_slidable
  47. RotatedBox

9: nineteen:

  1. Get current location


// basic things about flutter







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