Lightweight, simple & fast monorepo publish/release/changelog manager to automate releases using nothing more than Conventional Commits.
stable - used in production
Currently implemented:
- Detailed Git commit parsing, filtering & analysis
- Filter by file ext
- Package name aliases (to assign commits from old pkg names)
- Computing packages touched by recent commits (or allow forcing all)
- Dependency graph construction for monorepo internal packages (incl. topological sort)
- Computing new package versions (based on Conventional Commit types used)
- Selective changelog creation (as Markdown files)
- Commit type config
- Repo/publish config via dotenv
- Update package files w/ version bumps
- Update/bump deps in transitive dependents
- Update
prior to 'publish' commit
- Commit updated package, yarn.lock & changelog files
- Create & add release tags
- Push to git remote
- Inject
into publishedpackage.json
files - Publish to registry
- Reset git head post-publish
- Add pre-checks
- On clean release branch?
- Valid npm login/auth?
The original aim of this project was to produce an as minimal as possible release workflow suitable for the monorepo (currently ~189 TypeScript projects/packages). Over the past 2+ years, this tool has been reliably used to handle ~180 releases (tens of thousands if you count individual package releases) and so I consider this goal reached. The tool is also a magnitude faster than my previous experience with Lerna. Version analysis, version bumping and changelog generation (all Conventional Commits based) for all ~190 packages in only takes ~2-3 seconds (max), unlike Lerna which regularly took 30+ secs for the same tasks (and produced worse changelogs)...
There are configuration options to allow this project being used with other (similarly structured) monorepo setups, however there's no desire to go down the usual route in JS-land of adding 100s of overly complicated options suitable for seemingly all use cases and then none...
If you're interested in utilizing this tool with your repo, but not sure how, please reach out via the issue tracker...
git clone
cd monopub
yarn install
yarn build
bin/monopub --help
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█ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ │ 1.0.0
█ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ │ Monorepo publish/release/changelog manager
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usage: monopub CMD [OPTS] ...
monopub [CMD] --help
Available commands:
changelog ∷ Create/update changelogs
release ∷ Prepare and execute full release of all touched packages
version ∷ Compute & apply version bumps
-A key=val, --alias key=val [multiple] Alias pkg names (old=new) (default: {})
--ext EXT [multiple] File types to consider for changes (comma separated) (default: [".+"])
--indent VAL Indentation for generated JSON files: "number", "tab" (default: "\t")
-p PATH, --repo-path PATH Monorepo local path (default: "<missing>")
-u URL, --repo-url URL Monorepo remote URL (default: "<missing>")
-r PATH, --root PATH Relative package root dir in repo (default: "packages")
-s SCOPE, --scope SCOPE Package scope (default: "<missing>")
See various packages in the monorepo for generated changelogs: example changelog
Create/update changelogs
-a, --all Process all packages, not just unreleased
--dry-run Dry run
-b NAME, --branch NAME Remote Git branch for package links in changelog (default: "main")
-cc TYPE, --cc-types TYPE [multiple] Only consider given Conventional Commit types for determining changes:
"feat", "fix", "perf", "refactor", "build", "docs", "chore" (default:
--dump-spec PATH Write release spec to JSON file
-o PATH, --out-dir PATH Output root dir (default: --repo-path)
Compute & apply version bumps
-a, --all Process all packages, not just unreleased
--dry-run Dry run
--dump-spec PATH Write release spec to JSON file
-o PATH, --out-dir PATH Output root dir (default: --repo-path)
Prepare and execute full release of all touched packages
-a, --all Process all packages, not just unreleased
--dry-run Dry run
-cc TYPE, --cc-types TYPE [multiple] Only consider given Conventional Commit types for determining changes:
"feat", "fix", "perf", "refactor", "build", "docs", "chore" (default:
-cb NAME, --changelog-branch NAME Remote Git branch for package links in changelog (default: "main")
--dump-spec PATH Write release spec to JSON file
--max-repeat INT Max attempts (default: 3)
-script CMD, --publish-script CMD Publish script alias name (default: "pub")
-rb NAME, --release-branch NAME Remote branch name for publishing releases (default: "main")
-t INT, --throttle INT Delay time (in ms) between publishing each pkg (default: 0)
© 2021 - 2023 Karsten Schmidt // Apache Software License 2.0