Application to connect people interested in helping ONGs
This app features all the latest tools and practices in development!
- ⚛️ React Js — A JavaScript library for building user interfaces
- ⚛️ React Native — A lib that provides a way to create native apps for Android and iOS
- 💹 Node Js — A web framework for Node Js
- 📄 SQLite — A library that provides a relational database management system.
- Clone this repo using
git clone
- Move yourself to the appropriate directory:
cd Be-The-Hero
- Move yourself to the backend folder:
cd backend
- Run
to install dependencies - Run
npx knex migrate:latest
to to setup all database - Run
yarn dev
to start the server
- Move yourself to the frontend folder:
cd frontend
- Run
to install dependencies - Run
yarn start
to start the web application
- Move yourself to the mobile folder:
cd mobile
- Run
to install dependencies - Run
yarn start
to start the expo bundle
obs: download expo app(ios or android) and scan the qr code in expo bundle to run the application in your own phone
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE page for details.
Made with ❤️ by Thiago 👋 See my linkedin!