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@thijstakken thijstakken released this 16 Jul 18:31
· 9 commits to main since this release

Story Time

In September 2023, I decided to improve my programming skills. I had a small music automation script, and it seemed like a good idea to expand its features as a way to learn more. I discussed this with @lukasvdberk, a fellow programmer and good friend. We concluded that a web app would greatly enhance usability. He suggested, "Use Flask and Jinja." At first I thought, what do those words even mean?

Now, after programming for 10 months, for about 5 hours every week (almost every week), I can confidently say I've learned and accomplished a lot. My understanding of code and ability to write it have significantly improved.

A huge help in this project was the brilliant Flask Mega-Tutorial by @miguelgrinberg. You can buy the book or check out his online blog where you can even read the contents for free! I highly recommend it to anyone wanting to program with Flask. Even if you're already familiar with it, there's so much to learn.

Thanks to everyone who participated and shared their ideas in thread #47! Your help and feedback are much appreciated!

Release Notes

  1. Web GUI Created: thanks for the idea @lukasvdberk and @TimotheFCN
  2. Feature Integration: All existing features have been incorporated into the new web app.
  3. Onboarding Flow: Implemented for the first-time app startup, thanks for the idea @StefvanEgmond
  4. Simplified Documentation: The app can now be set up in three simple steps, thanks for the idea @StefvanEgmond
  5. WebDAV Configuration: Can be done directly from the web app, thanks for the idea @0n1cOn3
  6. Local File Storage: Implemented and accessible in the music Docker volume, thanks for the idea @TimotheFCN
  7. Database Addition: Almost everything is now stored in the database, thanks for the idea @TimotheFCN

Installation Instructions

  1. For Early Adopters: If you are using the old music service app, back up the volumes, then remove the container and all volumes. Start fresh; you will be able to configure the new app with your old config!
  2. New Installation: Check out the new install steps to get up and running quickly!
  3. Known Bug: After adding your playlists/songs, please reboot the app. The download function does not work on the first boot.

To Wrap Up

  1. For anyone wanting to learn to code, just do it. The only way to learn to program is to put in the work and gain real experience.
  2. If you get stuck, take a break. Often, the solution will come to you after a good night's sleep.

Feel free to check out the project and contribute! Your feedback and suggestions are always welcome.

👋 Thanks to everyone who was already running my app, I hope this new release brings you much more convenience and features!

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