Read this document on Github Pages.
This project demonstrates how to connect an application configured on The Things Network (TTN) console to a variety of cloud data services without running your own server. The current adapter supports data services from Adafruit IO, OpenSensors, SlicingDice, and Pyroclast.
The adapter described herein uses AWS Lambda to host a conversion and relay function and the Serverless command line tools to simplify deployment.
The advantages of going serverless are cost and capacity. At current # 1,000,000 posts will cost $0.10 per month. At low data rates, running Lambda functions can be much cheaper than running your own server to perform simple operations. As your data rates increase, the same Lambda function will work for 1 billion per month (~1m per hour). Of course it will cost more (like, ~$100/mo), but it won't fail and won't force you to make system changes while your service is gaining users. Also, you pay for only the requests that get made - you don't have to provision service ahead of time to handle bursts of traffic.
The TTN HTTP Integration produces a JSON object.
If you take advantage of the Custom Payload Formats option on the TTN console
your data will be parsed and sitting in a map under the payload_fields
of the JSON object.
Cloud databases generally accept JSON posted data, but with their own formats and constraints.
- OpenSensors will accept an object of the
{"data": message}
, wheremessage
itself is not a JSON object. The post is rejected if there are any keys other thandata
in the object. (Don't forget the double slash//
in the post URL. It won't work without it (example:
)) - SlicingDice requires a POST to be structured as an entity insertion.
"my-device-id": {
"device-name": "my device name",
"temperature": [
"value": 25,
"date": "2017-05-26T12:54:12Z"
"table": "sensor-data"
"auto-create": ["table", "column"]
- Pyroclast accepts a deep JSON object, but the root
object has to be of the form
{"value": data-object}
with your data under thevalue
key. Other root level keys are ignored, though the the point of adding a wrapping layer was likely to support adding keys at the root to control processing, so this is likely to change. - Adafruit IO accepts a JSON object with
fields. The REST URL includes the username and feed name, like
. Also, Adafruit uses anX-AIO-Key
instead ofAuthorization
In the TTN Console for your app, you set up an HTTP Integration that points to the Lambda function. A parameter on that URL specifies the destination where the transformed JSON should be posted.
The Authorization
key specified in the TTN HTTP Integration is passed through
to the ultimate database API POST. Therefore you don't have to embed a key in
the Lambda code.
Unless you're using one of the databases this adapter already handles, you'll
have to write your conversion code in the handler.js
file and add an event
specification in the serverless.yml
configuration file.
- Create and view an app in the TTN console.
- Add an HTTP Integration.
- Choose the "default key" for Access Key, or a more restricted one that has access to messages only if you've set that up.
- Create the URL by concatenating
- The service URL
- The string
- URL encoded destination URL:
- Paste the result in the URL field.
- Choose
for method. - Paste the Authorization key value from your database provider into the Authorization field.
It should look something like this when you're done:
In order to modify and deploy your own version of the code, you will need to perform the following setup steps.
- Install AWS command line tools
- Install Node & NPM
- Install the Serverless command line tools.
npm install serverless -g
- If using AWS IAM Access Management (as opposed to using your main Amazon account credentials), you will need to add permissions that allow Serverless to do its job. See below for details.
- Clone this repo to your local machine
In order to deploy the function run:
serverless deploy
The expected result should be similar to:
Serverless: Creating Stack…
Serverless: Checking Stack create progress…
Serverless: Stack create finished…
Serverless: Packaging service…
Serverless: Uploading CloudFormation file to S3…
Serverless: Uploading service .zip file to S3…
Serverless: Updating Stack…
Serverless: Checking Stack update progress…
Serverless: Stack update finished…
Service Information
service: ttn-post-adapter
stage: dev
region: us-east-1
api keys:
ttn-post-adapter-dev-index: arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:372342378620:function:ttn-post-adapter-dev-index
By default, deployments go to stage dev
. You'll note the /dev/
part of the
path in the endpoints. Once everything is working right, you'll want to deploy
to a more permanent environment, like production
or v1
. To do that, simply
set the stage on the deploy command line.
serverless --stage v1 deploy
There are two steps required to add your own adapter for, say, favoritedb
- Add an section to the
under the- events
key specifying the path name for your adapter.
- http:
path: favoritedb
method: post
- Define your handler function. It must use the same name as your path specification to be found by the existing logic.
All current handlers use the
function to perform common work like parsing theevent.body
to JSON, posting the transformed JSON, and constructing the response object.
handler.favoritedb = makeWithModulator(function (event, context, data, cb) {
// Transform data as appropriate
cb(null, data);
When you add your own handler, add a corresponding test in
. Run tests at the command line using npm test
make sure you haven't broken anything.
The following command lines assume you have defined the appropriate variables
in a file called .env
. (I do that and include it in .gitignore in order to
avoid accidentally posting app keys to a public repo.)
My .env
file looks something like this:
OPENSENSORS_AUTH_HEADER="api-key <uuid key>"
Make sure to include at least the Serverless debug flag
in the.env
file in order to see debug output from your code when you run it locally.
( . .env ; env -S "`cat .env`" command args )
sucks vars out of a file and makes them available both on the command line and in the execution environment.
I couldn't use single quotes below because they prevent $VAR expansion. I wanted a command that could be copied directly from this document and pasted into the terminal without exposing any of my private keys.
You could skip one level of escaping below by putting your data in a file and passing it in with
serverless invoke --path data.json
. You lose $VAR expansion, but as long as you're not committing the doc to a repo your keys are as safe there as they are in the.env
Lastly, without the
parameter,serverless invoke
invokes the deployed version of the function on AWS.
OpenSensors invocation
( . .env ; env -S "`cat .env`" serverless invoke local --log --function index \
--data "{\"body\": \"{\\\"payload_fields\\\": {\\\"temperature\\\": 25}}\", \
\"queryStringParameters\": {\"dataname\": \"data\", \
\"url\": \"$OPENSENSORS_TOPIC_URL\"}, \
\"headers\": {\"Authorization\": \"$OPENSENSORS_AUTH_HEADER\"}, \"path\": \"/opensensors\"}")
The expected result is
"statusCode": 200,
"body": "{\"message\":\"Message sent\"}"
SlicingDice invocation
( . .env ; env -S "`cat .env`" serverless invoke local --log --function index \
--data "{\"body\": \"{\\\"metadata\\\":{\\\"time\\\":\\\"2017-06-14T16:15:41.169291958Z\\\"}, \
\\\"hardware_serial\\\": \\\"test-device-id\\\", \
\\\"payload_fields\\\": {\\\"temperature\\\": 26.5}}\", \
\"queryStringParameters\": { \
\"url\": \"\"}, \
\"headers\": {\"Authorization\": \"$SLICINGDICE_AUTH_HEADER\"}, \"path\": \"/slicingdice\"}")
The expected result is
"statusCode": 200,
"body": "{\"status\":\"success\",\"inserted-entities\":1,\"warning\":\"Using TEST endpoint. Remember to change to the endpoint before going to production.\",\"inserted-values\":1,\"took\":0.118}"
Pyroclast invocation
( . .env ; env -S "`cat .env`" serverless invoke local --log --function index \
--data "{\"body\": \"{\\\"payload_fields\\\": {\\\"temperature\\\": 26.5}}\", \
\"queryStringParameters\": {\"url\": \"$PYROCLAST_TOPIC_URL\"}, \
\"headers\": {\"Authorization\": \"$PYROCLAST_AUTH_HEADER\"}, \"path\": \"/pyroclast\"}")
The expected result is
"statusCode": 200,
"body": "{\"created\":true}"
Adafruit invocation
( . .env ; env -S "`cat .env`" serverless invoke local --log --function index \
--data "{\"body\": \"{\\\"metadata\\\":{\\\"time\\\":\\\"2017-06-14T16:15:41.169291958Z\\\"}, \
\\\"payload_fields\\\": {\\\"temperature\\\": 26.5}}\", \
\"queryStringParameters\": {\"field\": \"temperature\", \
\"url\": \"$ADAFRUIT_URL\"}, \
\"headers\": {\"Authorization\": \"$ADAFRUIT_AUTH_HEADER\"}, \"path\": \"/adafruit\"}")
The expected result is
"statusCode": 200,
"body": "{
The serverless tools run under an AWS user identity. Best practice is to use the IAM service to create a new user with restricted access to services and resources.
The following script will create a user and apply the policies required to
successfully run serverless deploy
- Log in as your primary AWS identity (using
aws configure
) Alternatively, you could use any identity with sufficient permission to perform these policy changes. (Permissions defined in policies/IAMPolicySetting.json) - Run the commands below using whatever name you prefer instead of "TTNPostUsername" in the first line.
aws iam create-user --user-name $IAMUSER
aws iam attach-user-policy --policy-arn "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSLambdaFullAccess" --user-name $IAMUSER
aws iam attach-user-policy --policy-arn "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonAPIGatewayInvokeFullAccess" --user-name $IAMUSER
aws iam attach-user-policy --policy-arn "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AmazonAPIGatewayPushToCloudWatchLogs" --user-name $IAMUSER
aws iam attach-user-policy --policy-arn "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonAPIGatewayAdministrator" --user-name $IAMUSER
aws iam attach-user-policy --policy-arn "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSCloudFormationReadOnlyAccess" --user-name $IAMUSER
aws iam put-user-policy --policy-name ServerlessLogs --policy-document file://policies/ServerlessLogs.json --user-name $IAMUSER
aws iam put-user-policy --policy-name ServerlessCloudFormation --policy-document file://policies/ServerlessCloudFormation.json --user-name $IAMUSER
aws iam put-user-policy --policy-name ServerlessIAM --policy-document file://policies/ServerlessIAM.json --user-name $IAMUSER
- Use
aws configure
again and set the new user security credentials. This causes you to begin interacting with AWS as the new user identity. You can find the credentials under the Security tab in the AWS IAM Console. - Now run
serverless deploy
- 2017-06-14 - Initial version
- 2017-06-15 - Added Adafruit IO database adapter
- 2017-06-16 - Added scripts for policy setting
- 2017-06-18 - Added instructions for running automated tests and Travis build status
Copyright (c) 2017 Frank Leon Rose