Recursively mutates files in a given directory.
var through = require('through2');
var mutiny = require('mutiny');
function toUpper(file, content) {
return through(
function (chunk, enc, cb) {
var readdirpOpts = { root: __dirname + '/root' };
mutiny({ outdir: __dirname + '/out', transform: [ toUpper ]}, readdirpOpts)
.on('error', console.error)
.on('data', function (d) { console.log('\nProcessed:\n', d); })
# assuming trim-leading is a transform installed as a node_module
mutiny ./root -t ./local-transform/toUpper.js -t trim-leading -o ./out
npm install mutiny
Mutates the files of a directory recursively applying specified transform and/or a rename function. The transformed files are saved into the outdir and directory structure is maintained.
Name Type Description mutinyopts
Object Name Type Description outdir:
String the root of the directory to which to write the transformed/renamed files
Array.<(function()|String)> that transform each file's content
transform function signature:
Note: each transform can be a function or a name of an installed transform or a path to a local module
function renames each file
function ({String} outfile, {String} outdir, {String} relativeOutfile) : {String} outfile
function allows overriding the defaultOutStream in case rename is not sufficient
function ({String} outfile, {String} outdir, {String} relativeOutfile) : {WriteStream}
Object options passed through to readdirp
Name Type Description root
String the
of the source directory that needs to be specifiedwhich emits 'error' and or 'data' to update mutiny's progress
- Type
- ReadStream
Runs all transforms on the content of all files that are piped into its file stream. Reports progress by pushing into the @see progress stream.
Name Type Description progress
Stream into which progress data is pushed
Array.<function(String): Stream> functions that return a transform stream when invoked with a path to a file - signature of each transform:
function ({String} file) : {TransformStream}
- Source:
generated with docme
Please find more examples in the examples directory and consult the tests