A greeting device that welcomes your friends by name the first time it sees them!
- Requires Raspberry pi with raspbian jessie OS
- Follow all steps listed in the environment_setup/raspberry_pi_setup.sh
- Setup a Redis on Google compute engine
- In your virtual environment run the following command after cloning the repo:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- Greet person by name after detecting their face in a frame of the continuous video stream
- Greet with joke/fact option
- Include Seasonal greetings
- Personal recorded greetings for specific people
- Walk up music for specific people
- Prompt people to pick their walk up music
- Group names for when it detects a set of people that associate to one name
- AWS Rekognition
- AWS Polly
- Raspberry pi
- GCP Compute Engine + Redis
- Raspberry Pi 3B [$30]
- 5V 2.5A Switching Power Supply with 20AWG MicroUSB cable [$7.50]
- 32GB Class 10 SD card [$5]
- Raspberry Pi case base [$5]
- Mini external USB stereo speaker [$12.50]
- Raspberry Pi Camera Board v2 [$29.95]
$89.95 - Honestly not a bad price for a prototype