Convert Esperanto text between UTF-8, x-system and h-system transliterations.
True Esperanto text has various diacritics that can be properly represented in UTF-8. Those who are limited to ASCII or are unable to type these characters often resort to the "h-system" or "x-system". In these, a suffix is added to those letters which should have a diacritic.
This crate provides functions for converting a string between a transliteration and UTF-8. For the x-system this can be done with complete accuracy as there is no ambiguity. For the h-system, a small vocabulary list is used to avoid changing the meaning of real words.
A binary called eotext
is included to use these functions from a CLI.
To use the published crate in your Rust program add the following to
esperanto-text = "1"
If you have cloned the repo and want to run the eotext
program you must have
a Rust toolchain installed. The recommended way to do is is via
Rustup. Run the following command:
cargo build --release --bin eotext
The built binary will be located at target/release/eotext
let input = "eĥoŝanĝo ĉiuĵaŭde";
"ehxosxangxo cxiujxauxde".to_owned(),
let input = "Chiuj estas senchavaj kaj taugaj ideoj.";
"Ĉiuj estas senchavaj kaj taŭgaj ideoj.".to_owned(),
Made available under the MIT licence. See LICENCE
for details.