This library contains certificates for Estonian electronic identity services and a couple of functions that facilitate usage.
The library covers the following use cases:
- embedding the root certificate of the Estonian Certification centre into an XML signature structure prior to signing;
- obtaining OCSP confirmation of the signer's certificate after signing: the OCSP request must contain an issuer certificate that corresponds to the issuer's common name as included in the signer's certificate.
Get a certificate by issuer's common name:
from esteid_certificates import get_certificate_file_name, get_certificate
# path to PEM certificate file
assert get_certificate_file_name("EID-SK 2016").endswith(".pem")
# the certificate as bytes
assert get_certificate("EID-SK 2016").startswith(b"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----")
Get the root certificate:
from esteid_certificates import get_root_ca_file_name, get_root_certificate
# path to PEM certificate file
assert get_root_ca_file_name().endswith(".pem")
# the certificate as bytes
assert get_root_certificate().startswith(b"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----")
Get the TEST root certificate:
from esteid_certificates import get_root_ca_file_name, get_root_certificate
# path to PEM certificate file
assert get_root_ca_file_name(test=True).endswith(".pem")
# the certificate as bytes
assert get_root_certificate(test=True).startswith(b"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----")
The certificates can be loaded using e.g. the oscrypto
from oscrypto.asymmetric import load_certificate
cert = load_certificate(get_certificate("EID-SK 2016"))
assert cert.asn1.native['tbs_certificate']['subject']['common_name'] == 'EID-SK 2016'
The certificates were downloaded from the certificate page.
The included certificates are copyright to their issuing parties:
and are redistributed for the sole purpose of convenience of use.
See the update script for how to update the certificates.