As part of the Throughput proposal this repository is used to document the alignment between the Throughput API and W3C Annotation standards. As part of this work we model the Annotation standards (in RDF form) against Cypher/Graph objects as represented within Throughput.
This document serves as a resource for future developers within the Throughput project, and will form the basis for an annotation library.
This project is an open project, and contributions are welcome from any individual. All contributors to this project are bound by a code of conduct. Please review and follow this code of conduct as part of your contribution.
Issues and bug reports are always welcome. Code clean-up, and feature additions can be done either through pull requests to project forks or branches.
All products of the Throughput Annotation Project are licensed under an MIT License unless otherwise noted.
This project will ultimately form an interactive web document with elements identified from the Throughput database, and with sample cypher queries for each of the W3C Annotation standards.
This project relies on the W3C Annotation standards, and the OpenAnnotation extension. This project uses the existing Throughput DB schema and data contained therein.
Currently the project uses only Markdown.
This project will use an API connection to the Throughput database.
This project will result in the development of a single page application with example Cypher queries, along with data models for each of the W3C standards.
Metrics of success for this project include:
- Completeness - how many of the W3C Annotation examples have:
- Cypher equivalents
- API equivalents
- Images/data renderings
- Website - is there a location to view the examples outside of the GitHub repository
- Pageview/other metrics - How has this resource been used by others?