The project is generated by LoopBack.
Please before decided to contribute to this project, take a look at the Wiki to see important guides.
First, download the repository or make the git clone in a directory:
git clone
Then to go the folder and install all the dependencies with:
npm install
Maybe npm will need some permissions to install all packages, so run with sudo
or other equivalent command depends on your OS.
A loopback project uses the server/datasourcers.json
file to do the database connection and store other important configuration, see the docs. The datasource need to be configured with your own properties values. The current file you find here.
As you can see, here we're using two ways to persist data between the server API and databases. Actually, there's a in memory database named db
, which is a default option to store models and things that doesnt need to be in database. You may not change that to do alteration in the src.
The second json property, is what matters for you to change because here is the database connection. According to work with MySQL database and using the loopback-connector-mysql module that provides connection to MySQL database.
As well change the values your own, dont forget to setting up the database(creating database script). The loopback-connector-mysql introduces the default entry in a datasources.json
as like that:
"mydb": {
"name": "mydb",
"connector": "mysql",
"host": "myserver",
"port": 3306,
"database": "mydb",
"password": "mypassword",
"user": "admin"
Follow this to add your properties.
Actually, the project is using nodemon in dev enviroment just for reloading server automatically for us and Babel for transpilation to work with ES6. We are using babel-node which works the same as babel-cli but for node, so we start the project in npm start
with nodemon --exec babel-node .
To start the server:
npm start
If doesnt work for you, just start with node .
but if you will change the code constantly, it will be cool install nodemon to made this in dev mode, for instalation:
npm install -g nodemon
So run the nodemon in the project folder:
nodemon .
While running the loopback explorer interface for the server can be access in: http://localhost:3000/explorer/