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Step 1. Hello World

Dialogflow Setup

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Dialogflow requires a Google account for log in. This guide will assume that you have already created one that you will be using.

Dialogflow sign-in

  1. Click the # with Google button
  2. Allow Dialogflow to access your google Account
  3. Accept Dialogflow's terms of service

Creating your first agent

  1. Click Create agent in the left menu
  2. Select a name for your agent.
  3. Make sure that the default language is set to English - en
  4. Leave the rest of the settings at their default values, and click Create

Create agent

Create an intent

  • Click Intents in the left menu
  • You will see that there are already two default intents created - Welcome and Fallback.
  • Click Create intent

Create an intent

  1. Name the new Intent "HelloWorld"
  2. Expand the Training phrases section, and type "My first intent"
  3. Expand the Responses section, and type "Hello world!"

Hello world


  1. In the top right panel, type "My first intent" and hit enter.
  2. The default response should be "Hello world!"


That's it! You have successfully created your first agent and hello world intent! Now proceed to Step 2. Fulfillments


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