Navigate to
Dialogflow requires a Google account for log in. This guide will assume that you have already created one that you will be using.
- Click the # with Google button
- Allow Dialogflow to access your google Account
- Accept Dialogflow's terms of service
- Click Create agent in the left menu
- Select a name for your agent.
- Make sure that the default language is set to English - en
- Leave the rest of the settings at their default values, and click Create
- Click Intents in the left menu
- You will see that there are already two default intents created - Welcome and Fallback.
- Click Create intent
- Name the new Intent "HelloWorld"
- Expand the Training phrases section, and type "My first intent"
- Expand the Responses section, and type "Hello world!"
- In the top right panel, type "My first intent" and hit enter.
- The default response should be "Hello world!"
That's it! You have successfully created your first agent and hello world intent! Now proceed to Step 2. Fulfillments