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Please see for latest development by orginal author.
This codebase is started from an imported copy of an old version of source code at launchpad (, as an working interim version until proper version 2 comes out.
Old-school, no cloud, no online service. Everything is on your device, unless you explicitly enables Google Drive and/or Dropbox online backup. I used it for 12+ years but it stopped updated a while ago, tweaked some quirks to fit my own needs. Hope it helps you too!
- Holo/Material theme (only partial update to Material due to class hierarchy difficult to upgrade ...)
- Date/time picker provided by new Android versions
- Tweaked text layout, support device text scaling
- Search memo text, amount value (even with range)
- Location removed due to huge change in google maps API
- Photo removed due to backup and content linking/updating difficulties
- Backup file compatible with Play store version 1.7.1
- SMS template has been changed to Notification template, supporting other apps' push notification
I have some example scripts that can:
- Exporting Financisto backup files to hledger text format (for easy human read, searching in editor)
- Creating transactions from Taiwan EasyCard
- Importing transaction logs from Taiwan Government Unified Invoice
Find them at: