The file generator is a user friendy duide to generate easily peofessional documents fr GitHub. The project has clear instructions for setup, usage, contributionsand other required and optional sections for a professional lookimg readme file. It isdesigned to ensure everyone can easily understand and using project functionalities.
- Description
- Deployment
- Demo
- Screenshot
- Languages
- Usage
- Contributors
- Testing
- Author
- Repository
- Questions
To deploy this project run
npm run deploy
Output of the project in gif format
Output of the project in image format
Javascript, NodeJs
This project can be used The project allows that to create a file as professionally as well as not spending long time for projects.
Install readme_generator with this project locally, firstly clone the repository to your local machine and install npm npm install
Contributions are always welcome!
npm run test
Please send your questions here or visit github/tigerkaplan for my other projects on GitHub.