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Releases: tildejustin/custom-map-resetter


20 Nov 23:22
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couple of builds for new and previously broken minecraft versions

the proper ranges for historical releases are entered in modrinth now but i can't be bothered to document it here


19 Jun 03:28
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use v1.4.2 for 1.19.1-1.19.2 and 1.20.3-1.21.3+

  • added:
    • all versions: there is now an autoreset toggle, which, if set to true, will have the same behavior as prior versions, but if set to false, quitting the world will act as vanilla, and to make a new world you just have to press the title screen button. this is helpful for categories where quitting the world is necessary for upwarps, etc.
      • upgrading the config file is a little sketchy, if you have or find any issues, as always, please lmk
    • 1.20: extended support to this version
  • fixed:
    • 1.14+: if a world was double clicked or the arrow button on the icon was pressed, it would enter the world
      • now, it sets the world as selected and closes the setworldscreen, whereas the select button also sets the world as selected, but doesn't close the screen
  • known issues:
    • 1.5-1.6, 1.20: icon rendering does not work :'(
    • meta: the tag for this release is on the wrong commit, can't fix it now :P

hotfix v1.4.1

  • fixed:
    • 1.14-1.20: to skip texture reloading, it now returns an empty completable future instead of null. this only matters 1.18+ b/c minecraft starts to do some concurrency stuff with it but i put it in all versions b/c that's what it should be.


04 Jun 03:38
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fix for a dumb little file writing issue


04 Jun 03:10
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adds a file called attempt.txt that holds the attempt count of the current map
i didn't test any versions except for 1.8, surely this works :P


04 Jun 01:01
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  • 1.7+: stops resource reloading when resetting (hope this doesn't cause any issues)
  • 1.16+: bypasses the experimental loading popup


03 Jun 21:48
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1.3-1.17 support
changed location of buttons

known issues:

  • 1.14+: double clicking or pressing the play button causes you to enter the world
    • this is a little annoying to fix b/c i have to make a mixin to WorldListWidget and make the all the functionality conditional on !screen instanceof SetWorldScreen, I don't really feel doing it rn but i probably will someday
    • as a bypass, select world once and press select world button
  • 1.14+: stop resets and quit has a grey ProgressScreen, I don't know why
  • 1.6: I can't get the boots to render :|
  • 1.13: it just doesn't work. Like I do a cast to an interface and Java won't have it. I'll look into fixing it if anybody cares, ping me if you do, otherwise it's better to just forget about 1.13.


02 Jun 22:41
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02 Jun 17:27
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probably has bugs