This repository documents my journey of learning Flutter to learn how to build the App I want to 😄
Getting used to the Dart language by participating in the AdventOfCode2019
The three days were used to redesign, and build the redesign of the Veggi dating app Veggly.
- UI Design
- Project structure
- Image filter
- Decorations
- Gradients
- Lots of Stacks
Trivial example on how to integrate google maps and geolocation into your app using the google maps dependency.
- Google Maps
- Markers
- Geolocation
Trivial example on how to use the camera to save an image, get the images on the device, display them and focus them on click.
- Navigator
- FutureBuilder
- Directory/Path
- GridView
- Camera
Trivial firebase conncetion (read & write) chat app. Only two users, defined by the operating system Android or iOS.
- Firebase connection
- Text Input
- Android/iOS detection
- StreamBuilder
Learning about basic draggable widget.
- Draggables
- Positioning
Learning Layout and Widgets by trying to build a Flutter UI based on this design concept of Zazuly Aziz.
- Advanced styling
- Decorations
- Alignments
- Project structure
Extremely Trivial trying out of iOS styled widgets and the difference in navigation structure (TabScaffold vs. PageScaffold).
- Cupertino specific Elements, Button, ActionSheet, and Switch
- Navigation bar, Tab bar
- iOS specific navigation
Pretty simple todo app with basic features like adding, checking, and deleting todos.
Overlays for a simple "tutorial" and when a new item is added.
- Overlays using Cards
- Basic assets/image imports
- More state handling
- More user interaction
Very trivial list view to display a number of items with generated uuids.
Interactions with the dismissable Widgets and handling immutable state changes.
- Dismissable Widgets
- List View / Builder
- Some more Layouting
- Inner Scaffolding for Snackbar display
Very trivial Quiz game with only few hard coded questions and score display.
First usage of stateful widget.
- Statefull widget
- Interaction
- Basic File Structure
- Data from file
Extremely simple basic setup. Just a simple Hello World.
- General Project Setup
- Stateless widget
- Basic Layout