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fixing some plotting errors for asap3 files with multiple fleets and …
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…age comp plots for fleets with no age comp
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timjmiller committed Nov 2, 2022
1 parent 6a896f4 commit 83f23ff
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Showing 6 changed files with 122 additions and 118 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ wham 1.0.6 (2022-04-08)

### Major improvements

* One-step-ahead prediction quantile residuals for age compositon observations for most log-likelihoods (Trijoulet et al. in review) [80e3bba](
* One-step-ahead prediction quantile residuals for age compositon observations for most log-likelihoods (Trijoulet et al. 2023) [80e3bba](
* Can specify a prior distribution on fully-selected catchability (logit-scale) which is then estimated as a random effect [fcbc604](
* Auto-regressive random effects for fully-selected catchability [fcbc604](
* Environmental covariate effects on fully-selected catchability [fcbc604](
Expand Down
6 changes: 0 additions & 6 deletions R/compare_wham_models.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -686,10 +686,7 @@ <- function(x, plot.opts, type="fleet"){
cat("Fleet selectivity blocks not identical, cannot produce comparison plot.")
} else {
selblocks <- as.numeric(unique(x[[1]]$selblock_pointer_fleets))
selblocks <- unique(as.integer(x[[1]]$selblock_pointer_fleets))
yrs <- lapply(selblocks, function(y){
tmp <- which(x[[1]]$selblock_pointer_fleets == y);
tmp <- tmp %% length(x[[1]]$years);
Expand All @@ -699,10 +696,7 @@ <- function(x, plot.opts, type="fleet"){
if(type == 'indices'){
if(!allSame(lapply(x, function(y) unname(y$selblock_pointer_indices)))) stop("Index selectivity blocks not identical, cannot produce comparison plot")
selblocks <- as.numeric(unique(x[[1]]$selblock_pointer_indices))
selblocks <- unique(as.integer(x[[1]]$selblock_pointer_indices))
yrs <- lapply(selblocks, function(y){
tmp <- which(x[[1]]$selblock_pointer_indices == y);
tmp <- tmp %% length(x[[1]]$years);
Expand Down
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions R/make_osa_residuals.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
#' Calculate one-step-ahead residuals
#' Standard residuals are not appropriate for models with random effects. Instead, one-step-ahead (OSA) residuals
#' can be used for evaluating model goodness-of-fit (\href{}{Thygeson et al. (2017)},
#' can be used for evaluating model goodness-of-fit (\href{}{Thygeson et al. (2017)},
#' implemented in \code{\link[TMB:oneStepPredict]{TMB::oneStepPredict}}). OSA residual options
#' are passed to \code{\link[TMB:oneStepPredict]{TMB::oneStepPredict}} in a list \code{osa.opts}. Current options are method:
#' oneStepGaussianOffMode (default), oneStepGaussian, or oneStepGeneric, and parallel: TRUE/FALSE.
#' See \code{\link[TMB:oneStepPredict]{TMB::oneStepPredict}} for further details.
#' It is not recommended to run this function (or \code{\link[TMB:oneStepPredict]{TMB::oneStepPredict}}) with any random effects and
#' mvtweedie age composition likelihoods due to extensive computational demand. An error will be thrown in such cases.
#' See Trijoulet et al. In review for OSA methods for age composition OSA residuals.
#' See \href{}{Trijoulet et al. (2023)} for OSA methods for age composition OSA residuals.
#' @param model A fit WHAM model, output from \code{\link{fit_wham}}.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ make_osa_residuals = function(model,osa.opts = list(method="oneStepGaussianOffMo

cat("Doing OSA residuals...\n");
input = model$input
if(class(input$data$obs) == "list") input$data$obs <-$data$obs) #simulated data$obs will be a list
model$osa = input$data$obs
model$osa$residual = NA
#first do continuous obs, condition on obs without osa (probably none)
Expand Down
17 changes: 11 additions & 6 deletions R/read_asap3_fit.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -87,7 +87,8 @@ read_asap3_fit <- function(wd,, pSPR=40) {
logFmult1 <- unlist(a1$asap.std[ which(a1$asap.std$name=="log_Fmult_year1") ,3] )
logFmult_devs <- a1$asap.std[which(a1$asap.std$name=="log_Fmult_devs") ,3]
log_F <- matrix(NA, nrow=nyears*n.fleet, ncol=2)
log_F[1,1] <- logFmult1
#year 1 for each fleet
log_F[1+nyears*(0:(n.fleet-1)),] <- logFmult1

log.fmult.rows <- which(substr(a1$asap.cor.names, 1, 9)=="log_Fmult") #this is nyears*n.fleet
log.fmult.cor <- a1$asap.cor.mat[log.fmult.rows, log.fmult.rows] #this has dimension nyears*n.fleet x nyears*n.fleet
Expand All @@ -96,13 +97,17 @@ read_asap3_fit <- function(wd,, pSPR=40) {
log.fmult.cov <- log.fmult.cor*(log.fmult.std %o% log.fmult.std) #creates var-cov matrix
var.logFmult <- rep(NA, nyears*n.fleet)
sigma.logFmult <- rep(NA, nyears*n.fleet)
var.logFmult[1] <- log.fmult.cov[1,1] #need to modify for multifleet
#year 1 for each fleet
var.logFmult[1+nyears*(0:(n.fleet-1))] <- log.fmult.cov[1+nyears*(0:(n.fleet-1)),1+nyears*(0:(n.fleet-1))] #need to modify for multifleet
#var.logFmult[1] <- log.fmult.cov[1,1] #need to modify for multifleet

for(f in 1:n.fleet) for (y in 2:nyears ) {

for (y in 2:nyears ) {

log_F[y,1] <- log_F[y-1] + logFmult_devs[y-1]
var.logFmult[y] <- var.logFmult[(y-1)] + a1$asap.std[log.fmult.rows[y],4]*a1$asap.std[log.fmult.rows[y],4]+2*(log.fmult.cov[y,(y-1)])
ind <- y + nyears*(0:(f-1))
log_F[ind,1] <- log_F[ind-1] + logFmult_devs[ind-1]
var.logFmult[ind] <- var.logFmult[ind-1] + a1$asap.std[log.fmult.rows[ind],4]*a1$asap.std[log.fmult.rows[ind],4]+2*(log.fmult.cov[ind,(ind-1)])
#log_F[y,1] <- log_F[y-1] + logFmult_devs[y-1]
#var.logFmult[y] <- var.logFmult[(y-1)] + a1$asap.std[log.fmult.rows[y],4]*a1$asap.std[log.fmult.rows[y],4]+2*(log.fmult.cov[y,(y-1)])

sigma.logFmult <- sqrt(var.logFmult)
Expand Down
208 changes: 106 additions & 102 deletions R/wham_plots_tables.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1395,58 +1395,60 @@ plot.catch.age.comp.resids <- function(mod, ages, ages.lab, scale.catch.bubble2
for (i in fleets)
yind = which(dat$use_catch_paa[,i] ==1)
df = subset(mod$osa, type == "catchpaa")
my.title <- "Age Comp OSA Quantile Residuals for Fleet "
fname = paste0("Catch_age_comp_osa_resids_fleet_",i)
resids = matrix(NA, nrow = dat$n_years_model, ncol = dat$n_ages)
vals = resids
for(j in yind){
tmp = subset(df, year == j & fleet == paste0("fleet_",i))
resids[j,tmp$age] = tmp$residual
vals[j,tmp$age] = tmp$val
if(dat$age_comp_model_fleets[i] %in% c(1:2,10)) vals[j,tmp$age]/sum(vals[j,tmp$age]) #obs are numbers not proportions
if(osa & "catchpaa" %in% mod$osa$type){
df = subset(mod$osa, type == "catchpaa")
my.title <- "Age Comp OSA Quantile Residuals for Fleet "
fname = paste0("Catch_age_comp_osa_resids_fleet_",i)
resids = matrix(NA, nrow = dat$n_years_model, ncol = dat$n_ages)
vals = resids
for(j in yind){
tmp = subset(df, year == j & fleet == paste0("fleet_",i))
resids[j,tmp$age] = tmp$residual
vals[j,tmp$age] = tmp$val
if(dat$age_comp_model_fleets[i] %in% c(1:2,10)) vals[j,tmp$age]/sum(vals[j,tmp$age]) #obs are numbers not proportions

scale.resid.bubble.catch <- 2
} else{
acomp.obs = dat$catch_paa[i,,]
acomp.pred = mod$rep$pred_catch_paa[1:length(years),i,]
#acomp.pred = aperm(mod$rep$pred_catch_paa[1:length(years),,,drop=FALSE], c(2,1,3))[i,,] #biomass is accounted for on the cpp side
#acomp.pred = acomp.pred/apply(acomp.pred,1,sum)
my.title <- "Age Comp Residuals (Observed-Predicted) for Fleet "
resids <- acomp.obs - acomp.pred # NOTE obs-pred
resids[dat$use_catch_paa[,i]==0,] = NA # don't plot residuals for catch paa not fit in model
fname = paste0("Catch_age_comp_resids_fleet_",i)
scale.resid.bubble.catch <- 25
if(do.tex) cairo_pdf(file.path(od, paste0(fname,".pdf")), family = fontfam, height = 10, width = 10)
if(do.png) png(filename = file.path(od, paste0(fname,'.png')), width = 10*144, height = 10*144, res = 144, pointsize = 12, family = fontfam)
par(mar=c(4,4,2,2), oma=c(1,1,1,1), mfrow=c(1,1))
z1 <- resids
if(any(! range.resids<-range(abs((as.vector(z1))), na.rm=T)
else range.resids = c(0,0)

z3 <- z1 * scale.resid.bubble.catch * scale.catch.bubble2
resid.col <- matrix(NA, nrow=nyrs, ncol=n_ages) # set color for residual bubbles
resid.col <- ifelse(z3 > 0.0, pos.resid.col, neg.resid.col)
plot(ages, rev(ages), xlim = c(1, n_ages+1), ylim = c(years[nyrs],(years[1]-2)), xlab = "Age", ylab = tylab,
type = "n", axes=F)
axis(1, at= ages, lab=ages.lab)
axis(2, at = rev(years), lab = rev(years), cex.axis=0.75, las=1)
abline(h=years, col="lightgray")
segments(x0=ages, y0=rep(years[1],n_ages), x1=ages, y1=rep(years[nyrs],n_ages), col = "lightgray", lty = 1)
scale.resid.bubble.catch <- 2
} else{
acomp.obs = dat$catch_paa[i,,]
acomp.pred = mod$rep$pred_catch_paa[1:length(years),i,]
#acomp.pred = aperm(mod$rep$pred_catch_paa[1:length(years),,,drop=FALSE], c(2,1,3))[i,,] #biomass is accounted for on the cpp side
#acomp.pred = acomp.pred/apply(acomp.pred,1,sum)
my.title <- "Age Comp Residuals (Observed-Predicted) for Fleet "
resids <- acomp.obs - acomp.pred # NOTE obs-pred
resids[dat$use_catch_paa[,i]==0,] = NA # don't plot residuals for catch paa not fit in model
fname = paste0("Catch_age_comp_resids_fleet_",i)
scale.resid.bubble.catch <- 25
if(do.tex) cairo_pdf(file.path(od, paste0(fname,".pdf")), family = fontfam, height = 10, width = 10)
if(do.png) png(filename = file.path(od, paste0(fname,'.png')), width = 10*144, height = 10*144, res = 144, pointsize = 12, family = fontfam)
par(mar=c(4,4,2,2), oma=c(1,1,1,1), mfrow=c(1,1))
z1 <- resids
if(any(! range.resids<-range(abs((as.vector(z1))), na.rm=T)
else range.resids = c(0,0)

z3 <- z1 * scale.resid.bubble.catch * scale.catch.bubble2
resid.col <- matrix(NA, nrow=nyrs, ncol=n_ages) # set color for residual bubbles
resid.col <- ifelse(z3 > 0.0, pos.resid.col, neg.resid.col)
plot(ages, rev(ages), xlim = c(1, n_ages+1), ylim = c(years[nyrs],(years[1]-2)), xlab = "Age", ylab = tylab,
type = "n", axes=F)
axis(1, at= ages, lab=ages.lab)
axis(2, at = rev(years), lab = rev(years), cex.axis=0.75, las=1)
abline(h=years, col="lightgray")
segments(x0=ages, y0=rep(years[1],n_ages), x1=ages, y1=rep(years[nyrs],n_ages), col = "lightgray", lty = 1)

for (j in 1:nyrs) points(ages, rep(years[j], n_ages), cex=abs(z3[j,]), col="black", bg = resid.col[j,], pch = 21)
for (j in 1:nyrs) points(ages, rep(years[j], n_ages), cex=abs(z3[j,]), col="black", bg = resid.col[j,], pch = 21)

bubble.legend1 <- round(quantile(abs(resids), probs = c(0.05,0.5,0.95), na.rm = TRUE),3)
bubble.legend2 <- bubble.legend1 * scale.resid.bubble.catch*scale.catch.bubble2
legend("topright", xpd=T, legend=bubble.legend1, pch=rep(1, 3), pt.cex=bubble.legend2, horiz=T , col='black')
legend("topleft", xpd=T, legend=c("Neg.", "Pos."), pch=rep(21, 2), pt.cex=3, horiz=T,, pos.resid.col), col="black")
legend("top", xpd = TRUE, legend = paste("Max(resid)=",round(range.resids[2],2), sep=""), horiz = TRUE)
title (paste0(my.title,i), outer=T, line=-1)
if(do.tex | do.png) else par(origpar)
bubble.legend1 <- round(quantile(abs(resids), probs = c(0.05,0.5,0.95), na.rm = TRUE),3)
bubble.legend2 <- bubble.legend1 * scale.resid.bubble.catch*scale.catch.bubble2
legend("topright", xpd=T, legend=bubble.legend1, pch=rep(1, 3), pt.cex=bubble.legend2, horiz=T , col='black')
legend("topleft", xpd=T, legend=c("Neg.", "Pos."), pch=rep(21, 2), pt.cex=3, horiz=T,, pos.resid.col), col="black")
legend("top", xpd = TRUE, legend = paste("Max(resid)=",round(range.resids[2],2), sep=""), horiz = TRUE)
title (paste0(my.title,i), outer=T, line=-1)
if(do.tex | do.png) else par(origpar)
} #end if any age comp for fleet
} #end loop n_fleets
# par(origpar)
Expand All @@ -1467,60 +1469,62 @@ plot.index.age.comp.resids <- function(mod, ages, ages.lab, scale.catch.bubble2
for (i in indices)
yind = which(dat$use_index_paa[,i] ==1)
df = subset(mod$osa, type == "indexpaa")
my.title <- "Age Comp OSA Quantile Residuals for Index "
fname = paste0("Catch_age_comp_osa_resids_index_",i)
resids = matrix(NA, nrow = dat$n_years_model, ncol = dat$n_ages)
vals = resids
for(j in yind){
tmp = subset(df, year == j & fleet == paste0("index_",i))
resids[j,tmp$age] = tmp$residual
vals[j,tmp$age] = tmp$val
if(dat$age_comp_model_indices[i] %in% c(1:2,10)) vals[j,tmp$age]/sum(vals[j,tmp$age]) #obs are numbers not proportions
if(osa & "indexpaa" %in% mod$osa$type){
df = subset(mod$osa, type == "indexpaa")
my.title <- "Age Comp OSA Quantile Residuals for Index "
fname = paste0("Catch_age_comp_osa_resids_index_",i)
resids = matrix(NA, nrow = dat$n_years_model, ncol = dat$n_ages)
vals = resids
for(j in yind){
tmp = subset(df, year == j & fleet == paste0("index_",i))
resids[j,tmp$age] = tmp$residual
vals[j,tmp$age] = tmp$val
if(dat$age_comp_model_indices[i] %in% c(1:2,10)) vals[j,tmp$age]/sum(vals[j,tmp$age]) #obs are numbers not proportions
scale.resid.bubble.catch <- 2
} else {
acomp.obs = dat$index_paa[i,,]
acomp.pred = mod$rep$pred_index_paa[1:length(years),i,]
#acomp.pred = aperm(mod$rep$pred_IAA[1:length(years),,,drop=FALSE], c(2,1,3))[i,,] #biomass is accounted for on the cpp side
#acomp.pred = acomp.pred/apply(acomp.pred,1,sum)
my.title <- "Age Comp Residuals (Observed-Predicted) for Index "
resids <- acomp.obs - acomp.pred # NOTE obs-pred
resids[dat$use_index_paa[,i]==0,] = NA # don't plot residuals for index paa not fit in model
fname = paste0("Catch_age_comp_resids_index_",i)
scale.resid.bubble.catch <- 25
scale.resid.bubble.catch <- 2
} else{
acomp.obs = dat$index_paa[i,,]
acomp.pred = mod$rep$pred_index_paa[1:length(years),i,]
#acomp.pred = aperm(mod$rep$pred_IAA[1:length(years),,,drop=FALSE], c(2,1,3))[i,,] #biomass is accounted for on the cpp side
#acomp.pred = acomp.pred/apply(acomp.pred,1,sum)
my.title <- "Age Comp Residuals (Observed-Predicted) for Index "
resids <- acomp.obs - acomp.pred # NOTE obs-pred
resids[dat$use_index_paa[,i]==0,] = NA # don't plot residuals for index paa not fit in model
fname = paste0("Catch_age_comp_resids_index_",i)
scale.resid.bubble.catch <- 25
tylab <- "Year"

if(do.tex) cairo_pdf(file.path(od, paste0(fname,".pdf")), family = fontfam, height = 10, width = 10)
if(do.png) png(filename = file.path(od, paste0(fname,'.png')), width = 10*144, height = 10*144, res = 144, pointsize = 12, family = fontfam)
par(mar=c(4,4,2,2), oma=c(1,1,1,1), mfrow=c(1,1))
z1 <- resids
if(any(! range.resids<-range(abs((as.vector(z1))), na.rm=T)
else range.resids <- c(0,0)

z3 <- z1 * scale.resid.bubble.catch * scale.catch.bubble2
resid.col <- matrix(NA, nrow=nyrs, ncol=n_ages) # set color for residual bubbles
resid.col <- ifelse(z3 > 0.0, pos.resid.col, neg.resid.col)
plot(ages, rev(ages), xlim = c(1, n_ages+1), ylim = c(years[nyrs],(years[1]-2)), xlab = "Age", ylab = tylab,
type = "n", axes=F)
axis(1, at= ages, lab=ages.lab)
axis(2, at = rev(years), lab = rev(years), cex.axis=0.75, las=1)
abline(h=years, col="lightgray")
segments(x0=ages, y0=rep(years[1],n_ages), x1=ages, y1=rep(years[nyrs],n_ages), col = "lightgray", lty = 1)

for (j in 1:nyrs) if(dat$use_index_paa[j,i] == 1)
points(ages, rep(years[j], n_ages), cex=abs(z3[j,]), col="black", bg = resid.col[j,], pch = 21)

bubble.legend1 <- round(quantile(abs(resids), probs = c(0.05,0.5,0.95), na.rm = TRUE),3)
bubble.legend2 <- bubble.legend1 * scale.resid.bubble.catch*scale.catch.bubble2
legend("topright", xpd=T, legend=bubble.legend1, pch=rep(1, 3), pt.cex=bubble.legend2, horiz=T , col='black')
legend("topleft", xpd=T, legend=c("Neg.", "Pos."), pch=rep(21, 2), pt.cex=3, horiz=T,, pos.resid.col), col="black")
legend("top", xpd = TRUE, legend = paste("Max(resid)=",round(range.resids[2],2), sep=""), horiz = TRUE)
title (paste0(my.title,i), outer=T, line=-1)
if(do.tex | do.png) else par(origpar)
tylab <- "Year"

if(do.tex) cairo_pdf(file.path(od, paste0(fname,".pdf")), family = fontfam, height = 10, width = 10)
if(do.png) png(filename = file.path(od, paste0(fname,'.png')), width = 10*144, height = 10*144, res = 144, pointsize = 12, family = fontfam)
par(mar=c(4,4,2,2), oma=c(1,1,1,1), mfrow=c(1,1))
z1 <- resids
if(any(! range.resids<-range(abs((as.vector(z1))), na.rm=T)
else range.resids <- c(0,0)

z3 <- z1 * scale.resid.bubble.catch * scale.catch.bubble2
resid.col <- matrix(NA, nrow=nyrs, ncol=n_ages) # set color for residual bubbles
resid.col <- ifelse(z3 > 0.0, pos.resid.col, neg.resid.col)
plot(ages, rev(ages), xlim = c(1, n_ages+1), ylim = c(years[nyrs],(years[1]-2)), xlab = "Age", ylab = tylab,
type = "n", axes=F)
axis(1, at= ages, lab=ages.lab)
axis(2, at = rev(years), lab = rev(years), cex.axis=0.75, las=1)
abline(h=years, col="lightgray")
segments(x0=ages, y0=rep(years[1],n_ages), x1=ages, y1=rep(years[nyrs],n_ages), col = "lightgray", lty = 1)

for (j in 1:nyrs) if(dat$use_index_paa[j,i] == 1)
points(ages, rep(years[j], n_ages), cex=abs(z3[j,]), col="black", bg = resid.col[j,], pch = 21)

bubble.legend1 <- round(quantile(abs(resids), probs = c(0.05,0.5,0.95), na.rm = TRUE),3)
bubble.legend2 <- bubble.legend1 * scale.resid.bubble.catch*scale.catch.bubble2
legend("topright", xpd=T, legend=bubble.legend1, pch=rep(1, 3), pt.cex=bubble.legend2, horiz=T , col='black')
legend("topleft", xpd=T, legend=c("Neg.", "Pos."), pch=rep(21, 2), pt.cex=3, horiz=T,, pos.resid.col), col="black")
legend("top", xpd = TRUE, legend = paste("Max(resid)=",round(range.resids[2],2), sep=""), horiz = TRUE)
title (paste0(my.title,i), outer=T, line=-1)
if(do.tex | do.png) else par(origpar)
} #end if any age comp for index
} #end loop n_fleets
# par(origpar)
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/age_comp_osa.hpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
//from Trijoulet et al. (in review). OSA residuals for composition data
//from Trijoulet et al. (2023). OSA residuals for composition data
//osa residual versions of dmultinom, ddirmultinom, dlogisticnormal
//see repo at

Expand Down

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