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Modbus Local Gateway Integration for Home Assistant

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This custom Home Assistant integration enables communication with Modbus devices via a Modbus TCP gateway. It uses YAML configuration files to define device registers and coils, mapping them to Home Assistant entities like sensors, switches, numbers, and more. It supports both monitoring (read-only) and control (read/write) operations.



The easiest way to install this integration is through the Home Assistant Community Store (HACS). After setting up HACS, you can add this integration as a custom repository:

  1. Go to HACS > Integrations.
  2. Click the three-dot menu and select "Custom repositories".
  3. Add repositoriy:
  4. Set category to "Integration" and click "Add".
  5. Search for "Modbus Local Gateway" and install.

Or use these buttons (requires My Home Assistant): Open HACS Repository

Restart Home Assistant after installation.


Adding a New Device

Add devices via the Home Assistant UI:

  1. Go to Settings > Devices & Services.
  2. Click Add Integration, search for "Modbus Local Gateway".
  3. Or use this button:
    Add Integration

Step 1: Connection Details

  • Host: Gateway IP/hostname (e.g.,
  • Port: TCP port (default: 502).
  • Slave ID: Modbus slave ID (e.g., 1).
  • Prefix: Optional device and entity name prefix (e.g., Device 3).

Step 2: Device Selection

Choose a device type from the dropdown (e.g., Eastron SDM-230 for SDM230.yaml).

Modifying Existing Devices

Adjust the update frequency (default: 30 seconds) via "Configure" at the device in Devices & Services.

Creating YAML Device Configurations

To add support for a new device, create a YAML file in custom_components/modbus_local_gateway/device_configs/. Each file specifies the Modbus registers/coils for a single device, mapping them to corresponding Home Assistant entities.

Minimal Example

  manufacturer: "Dimplex"
  model: "Wärmepumpe SI 11TU"


  set_water_temp:    # This key must uniquely identify the entity within the config file
    address: 20
    name: "Set Water Temperature"
    multiplier: 0.1
    control: number  # Show a number input field in the Home Assistant UI
      min: 0
      max: 100

YAML Structure

Each file requires a device section and optional register/coil sections:

  • device section (required):

    • manufacturer (required): String.
    • model (required): String.
    • max_register_read (optional): Max registers per read (default: 8).
  • Register/Coil Sections (optional):

    • read_write_word: Holding registers (read/write).
    • read_only_word: Input registers (read-only).
    • read_write_boolean: Coils (read/write).
    • read_only_boolean: Discrete inputs (read-only).

Each register/coil section contains entity definitions, identified by a unique key (e.g., set_water_temp), mapping registers/coils to Home Assistant entities.

Common Properties

For all entity definitions:

  • address (required): Modbus address (integer).

  • name (optional): Friendly name (default: the entity definition's key).

  • size (optional): Register count (default: 1; use 2 for raw 32-bit float, or string length / 2 for string; not needed for sum_scale).

  • Home Assistant Properties (see HA documentation for more information):

    • unit_of_measurement: E.g., Volts, h.
    • device_class: E.g., voltage, power.
    • state_class (only for register): E.g., measurement, total_increasing.
    • entity_category: diagnostic or config.
    • entity_registry_enabled_default: False.
    • icon: mdi:thermometer.

Register Properties (read_write_word, read_only_word)

  • Control Types (only for read_write_word): Allows the user to control the value.

    • control: number: Creates a number entity.
      • E.g.:
        control: number
        number:         # Optional
          min: 10.0     # float
          max: 100.0    # float
    • control: select: Creates a select entity.
      • E.g.:
        control: select
        options:        # Required
          0: "Closed"
          1: "Half-Open"
          2: "Open"
    • control: switch: Creates a switch entity.
      • E.g.:
        control: switch
        switch:         # Optional
          "on": 1       # default: 1
          "off": 0      # default: 0
    • control: text: Creates a text entity.
  • Data Types:

    • float: true: Raw 32-bit float (requires size: 2).
    • string: true: String (requires size: = length / 2).
      • E.g.
        string: true
        size: 5       # For a 10 byte string
  • Math Operations (applied in order):

    • sum_scale: List of scaling factors applied to consecutive registers.
      • E.g., sum_scale: [1, 10000] for two registers starting at address: 5 uses r1=5, r2=6, calculating r1 * 1 + r2 * 10000.
    • shift_bits: Bit shift right (integer).
    • bits: Bit mask length (integer).
    • multiplier: Scaling factor (float).
    • offset: Adds an offset (float).
  • Display:

    • precision: Decimal places (integer). Only valid for sensor or control: number entities.
    • map: Enum mapping.
      • E.g.
          0: "Enabled"
          1: "Disabled"
          2: "Auto"
    • flags: Bit flags.
      • E.g.
          1: "Pump active"
          3: "Mill active"
          4: "Heating active"
  • Behavior:

    • never_resets: true: For non-resetting totals. (E.g. for sensors with state_class: total_increasing).

Coil Properties (read_write_boolean, read_only_boolean)

  • Control Types (only for read_write_boolean): Allows the user to control the value.
    • control: switch: Creates a switch entity.
      • E.g.:
        control: switch
        switch:         # Optional
          "on": 1       # default: 1
          "off": 0      # default: 0

Example YAML

  manufacturer: Rekall
  model: MindSync Hub 310


    address: 28
    control: select
      0: "2400 bps"
      1: "4800 bps"
      2: "9600 bps"

    address: 30
    control: switch
      "on": 1
      "off": 0


    address: 0
    precision: 2
    unit_of_measurement: Volts
    device_class: voltage
    state_class: measurement


    address: 10
    control: switch


    address: 15
    device_class: power

See custom_components/modbus_local_gateway/device_configs/ for more examples.


  • Logs: Enable debug logging in configuration.yaml:
      default: info
        custom_components.modbus_local_gateway: debug
  • Connection Issues: Verify gateway IP, port, and slave ID.

Supported Devices

Tested with a WaveShare Wi-Fi to RS485 Gateway in Modbus TCP to RTU mode:

  • Settings: Baud Rate: 9600, Data Bits: 8, Parity: None, Stop Bits: 1, Baudrate Adaptive: Disable, UART AutoFrame: Disable, Modbus Polling: Off, Network A TCP Time out: 5, Network A MAX TCP Num: 24.
  • Tested Slaves: Eastron SDM230/SDM630, Finder 7M.38/7M.24, Growatt MIN-6000-TL-XH/MOD-6000-TL-X/MIC-2500-TL-X.

Firmware variations may affect compatibility.


MIT License. See repository for details.