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Tags: timoa/cdkit.ansible



chore(release): 1.0.2 [skip ci]

## [1.0.2](v1.0.1...v1.0.2) (2022-10-02)

### Bug Fixes

* **cicd:** add .ansible-lint config file ([1888918](1888918))
* **cicd:** update the label name for the dependencies ([fb25e96](fb25e96))
* **deps:** fix the Homebrew role ([1790c6b](1790c6b))
* **deps:** fix the requirements.yml file ([b54353a](b54353a))
* **deps:** lint YAML file ([b7f34f6](b7f34f6))
* **deps:** specify if it's a collection or role to install ([0efcfaf](0efcfaf))
* **deps:** update ansible-lint-action to v6.2.1 ([3222604](3222604))
* **lint:** fix other minors Ansible lint issues ([7591503](7591503))
* **lint:** Lint all the files with Ansible Lint ([7b3bf08](7b3bf08))


chore(release): 1.0.1 [skip ci]

## [1.0.1](v1.0.0...v1.0.1) (2022-04-18)

### Bug Fixes

* **cicd:** container actions are not working on macos-latest ([6d4f377](6d4f377))
* **cicd:** fix runner OS for Ansible Lint + rename the workflow files ([ef68840](ef68840))
* **cicd:** use macos-latest to test the roles with AnsibleLint ([1e6c5cc](1e6c5cc))


chore(release): 1.0.0 [skip ci]

# 1.0.0 (2022-04-04)

### Bug Fixes

* **install:** install the Ansible roles from Galaxy with a single command ([10e35ba](10e35ba))
* **lint:** fix lint issues on the Playbooks files ([4f30c36](4f30c36))