Ai crapers - Ai bots - Ai robts.txt And ways to block ai scrapers of your content.)
Robots txt complete:
TDM - -my content - Do not usse my articles
Perrishpress Ultimate list:
PLUGIN: stop Ai -very good:
- Updated 250309, block ai.php updated with the Latest.
- Updated 2509309, Fork of blockaai updated -Latest.
- Updated 250208, block ai.php updated with the Latest.
- Updated 250308, block ai.php updated with the Latest.
- Updated 250306, block ai.php updated with the Latest.
- Updated 250221, block ai.php updated with the Latest.
- Updated 250221, Fork of blockaai updated -Latest.
- Updated 250218, Fork of blockaai
- Updated 250218, Ai scrapers.txt
- Updated 250218, block ai.php updated with the Latest.
- FORK OF BLOCK AI - errors fxed:) //Maybe some more??
- FORK OF BLOCK AI and crawlers,works well, with Perrish .tacces - Great protection:)
- Added: perrishpress Ultimate AI block list, very good and carefully created by one of best in .htaccess and Safety:)
- Updated 250210, ai text updated,block ai.php updated, removed owler, only affects EU! add if needed.
- Updated 250129, with: block Ai, php updated, robots.txt on single user with flyer ai:)
- Updated 250123, with: block Ai, php updated, robots.txt on single user:)
- Updated 250115, with: block Ai training
- Updated 250113, with bytesdance LLM
- Updated 250110, ai robots.txt.
- 250109, GTBOT - a pain in the ass!
- 241225 All updated ith the Latest:)
- 241210: Updated: BLock ai.php
- 241210: addded: one more bot.
- 241126: new ChinaAi added in script and robots.txt, /whole Robots.txt avaible at: Wordpress single user.
- 241119, updated, block ai + ai scrapers list.
- 241118, updated, aiscrapers list, with more alternatives to block ai.
Notes: 2241125: I think clade haiku works, lots of requests from Amazon/clade denied:) Notes: Ai/robots.txt is on sinlge user
TDM Reservation Protocol (TDMRep) -