HashiCorp Vault API asyncio client for Python 3
pip install async-hvac
pip install async-hvac[parser]
if you would like to be able to return parsed HCL data as a Python dict for methods that support it.
import os
import async_hvac
# Using plaintext
client = async_hvac.AsyncClient()
client = async_hvac.AsyncClient(url='http://localhost:8200')
client = async_hvac.AsyncClient(url='http://localhost:8200', token=os.environ['VAULT_TOKEN'])
# Using TLS
client = async_hvac.AsyncClient(url='https://localhost:8200')
# Using TLS with client-side certificate authentication
client = async_hvac.AsyncClient(url='https://localhost:8200',
cert=('path/to/cert.pem', 'path/to/key.pem'))
# Skipping TLS verification entirely (should only be used for local development; unsafe for production clusters)
client = async_hvac.AsyncClient(url='https://localhost:8200', verify=False)
await client.write('secret/foo', baz='bar', lease='1h')
print(await client.read('secret/foo'))
await client.delete('secret/foo')
# Token
client.token = 'MY_TOKEN'
assert await client.is_authenticated() # => True
# App ID
await client.auth_app_id('MY_APP_ID', 'MY_USER_ID')
# App Role
await client.auth_approle('MY_ROLE_ID', 'MY_SECRET_ID')
client.auth_aws_iam('MY_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID', 'MY_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY', role='MY_ROLE')
import boto3
session = boto3.Session()
credentials = session.get_credentials()
client.auth_aws_iam(credentials.access_key, credentials.secret_key, credentials.token)
# GitHub
await client.auth_github('MY_GITHUB_TOKEN')
# GCP (from GCE instance)
import aiohttp
METADATA_HEADERS = {'Metadata-Flavor': 'Google'}
FORMAT = 'full'
url = 'http://metadata.google.internal/computeMetadata/v1/instance/service-accounts/default/identity?audience={}&format={}'.format(AUDIENCE_URL, FORMAT)
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
async with session.get(url, headers=METADATA_HEADERS) as resp:
await client.auth_gcp(ROLE, await resp.text())
# Kubernetes (from k8s pod)
f = open('/var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token')
jwt = f.read()
await client.auth_kubernetes("example", jwt)
# LDAP, Username & Password
await client.auth_ldap('MY_USERNAME', 'MY_PASSWORD')
await client.auth_userpass('MY_USERNAME', 'MY_PASSWORD')
client = Client(cert=('path/to/cert.pem', 'path/to/key.pem'))
await client.auth_tls()
# Non-default mount point (available on all auth types)
await client.auth_userpass('MY_USERNAME', 'MY_PASSWORD', mount_point='CUSTOM_MOUNT_POINT')
# Authenticating without changing to new token (available on all auth types)
result = await client.auth_github('MY_GITHUB_TOKEN', use_token=False)
print(result['auth']['client_token']) # => u'NEW_TOKEN'
# Custom or unsupported auth type
params = {
'username': 'MY_USERNAME',
'password': 'MY_PASSWORD',
'custom_param': 'MY_CUSTOM_PARAM',
result = await client.auth('/v1/auth/CUSTOM_AUTH/#', json=params)
# Logout
await client.logout()
token = await client.create_token(policies=['root'], lease='1h')
current_token = await client.lookup_token()
some_other_token = await client.lookup_token('xxx')
await client.revoke_token('xxx')
await client.revoke_token('yyy', orphan=True)
await client.revoke_token_prefix('zzz')
await client.renew_token('aaa')
token = await client.create_token(policies=['root'], lease='1h')
token_accessor = token['auth']['accessor']
same_token = await client.lookup_token(token_accessor, accessor=True)
await client.revoke_token(token_accessor, accessor=True)
wrap = await client.create_token(policies=['root'], lease='1h', wrap_ttl='1m')
result = await self.client.unwrap(wrap['wrap_info']['token'])
backends = await client.list_auth_backends()
await client.enable_auth_backend('userpass', mount_point='customuserpass')
await client.disable_auth_backend('github')
backends = await client.list_secret_backends()
await client.enable_secret_backend('aws', mount_point='aws-us-east-1')
await client.disable_secret_backend('mysql')
await client.tune_secret_backend('generic', mount_point='test', default_lease_ttl='3600s', max_lease_ttl='8600s')
await client.get_secret_backend_tuning('generic', mount_point='test')
await client.remount_secret_backend('aws-us-east-1', 'aws-east')
policies = await client.list_policies() # => ['root']
policy = """
path "sys" {
policy = "deny"
path "secret" {
policy = "write"
path "secret/foo" {
policy = "read"
await client.set_policy('myapp', policy)
await client.delete_policy('oldthing')
policy = await client.get_policy('mypolicy')
# Requires pyhcl to automatically parse HCL into a Python dictionary
policy = await client.get_policy('mypolicy', parse=True)
backends = await client.list_audit_backends()
options = {
'path': '/tmp/vault.log',
'log_raw': True,
await client.enable_audit_backend('file', options=options, name='somefile')
await client.disable_audit_backend('oldfile')
print(await client.is_initialized()) # => False
shares = 5
threshold = 3
result = await client.initialize(shares, threshold)
root_token = result['root_token']
keys = result['keys']
print(await client.is_initialized()) # => True
print(await client.is_sealed()) # => True
# unseal with individual keys
await client.unseal(keys[0])
await client.unseal(keys[1])
await client.unseal(keys[2])
# unseal with multiple keys until threshold met
await client.unseal_multi(keys)
print(await client.is_sealed()) # => False
await client.seal()
print(await client.is_sealed()) # => True
Integration tests will automatically start a Vault server in the background. Just make sure
the latest vault
binary is available in your PATH
- Install Vault or execute
VAULT_BRANCH=release scripts/install-vault-release.sh
- Install Tox
- Run tests:
make test
Feel free to open pull requests with additional features or improvements!